Hamster Poop

@bmart008: Both Bell and Rogers are off their rockers when it comes to the monthly rate for broadband and the monthly download limits. It makes me laugh at the people whining about the 250 gig limit with Comcast.

Now people are hair splitters because they think iterations of the same handheld, which all play the same games, should be counted together? Okay then, guy.

@Ryodestined: No I didn't. I said no electricity and water were dangerous inconveniences, but that no internet was not. No internet is just peaceful :)

Ah, sweet irony. The ever superior web site relying on the lowly printed game magazine for news.

@Twyst3d: So let me get this straight: because I am not jumping on the "I want to do whatever I want on the internet" bandwagon, I'm "trolling"? Because I don't agree with most of the nerds on here?

@TheFuzz53: Then people will jump ship. That's all. While they have the right to decide how their infrastructure is used, you have the right to not give them your business.

@TheFuzz53: Well, then be prepared for a higher monthly bill when they upgrade. Because you know that they will charge the customer for the upgrade since it's the customer that is causing the need for it.

@Bobarian: My kid could still go to the library, learn how to do research beyond visiting web sites, and still find all the info your kid did.

@Saudrapsmann: I could abandon the internet if I needed to. And if tons of people gave up on it, chances are your classes would go back to doing things the old fashioned way.

@GreatMario: It's not really that important; it's less important than people think. And because people seem to be so dependent on having internet access, ISPs could basically limit you in almost every way possible and all these dependents would still pay for access because they think they need it.

@TheFuzz53: So? That doesn't mean it's important.

@kNZA: Because it clogs the network, slowing down service for others. That's why my ISP throttles BT traffic to 25KB/s from 4:30pm to 2:00am. That's the peak time when most people use the internet. So to ensure everyone has a quick connection, they slow down bittorrent traffic between those times. Crappy, but not a

@Ken: I don't own a cell phone, ad don't plan on ever owning one. They seem to be overpriced, expensive toys that duplicate what I have at home.

@Ken: I am not talking about internet overall; I am talking about internet in the home. You don't need it. Yes, you can live without electricity in your home if you have another means of heating it. I did not mean that society as a whole could live without it. Actually, it probably could, but it would be an act of

@ElephantFace: This is why I don't really care for the world wide web and wouldn't be very sad at all if it just disappeared tomorrow. It's a huge distraction . But because it's there, you want to use it.

@battra92: I found Professor Heinz Wolff's Gravity to be enjoyable. It can be a bit short if you are good at figuring out the 100 puzzles, but it was a lot more fun than I was expecting for a game that never got any coverage.