Hamster Poop

@hazelnut: I can live without all that. There is nothing that important on the web that I NEED access. Access is nice, but not necessary. I refuse to be dependent on the internet. I lived without it before, and I can do it again if I ever needed to.

@Brandchan: I pay for my internet access. And my ISP (Bell Canada), has a 60gb limit with my package (more available if you pay for it), and thottles bittorrent traffic to 25-30 KB/s total between 4:30pm and 2:30am. So what? When my contract is up at the end of next month, I will be switching to another provider. If

@Arganova: They don't need to be the best. They just need to be good enough. If the story is captivating and the game play is fun, no one will really care about the character models.

Who cares? It's just the internet.

It was the video review from last week that convinced me to pick up this title. I haven't made anything yet, but so far I have enjoyed looking at when recipes the game offers.

@MooseOfDoom23: Yeah, because I care whether a bunch of random, website nobodies like me or not.

@MaximusDM: Because when a game looks stunning, it makes sense to mention it. Obviously every developer wants to make their game as pretty as possible even though it's not the most important aspect of the game.

@Stephen Totilo: Great. I wasn't sure at first because when you think about it quickly, the games should climb steadily or stay level. But taking into account new people buying the game explains the dips in some months. At first those dips made it look like a month to month total.

So if I read this chart correctly, it shows the total time (on average) each player has played the game since it came out, and not the total time for the month?

@plasticmouse: I meant the context of your statement made no sense. Something has to now be in HD to be able to enjoy it fully?

@anole3000: Try to hang around some major drug or gang busts when they go down. I am sure there will be Mounties there.

@JYJ705: I was in my teens. But apart from Sliders, I only watched sitcoms (and cartoons).

@YardanCabaret: Yes. I was referring to MW2 as the nonsense, not games in general. Though those are nonsense in a way, too.

@JTF: They included the Linux feature as a value added item to justify the insane price they were charging for the console before the price drop.

@Enginerd: There's another one too, which most people don't know about. My neighbor told me about it, but I can't remember what it's called.

@JYJ705: I remember it, but I never watched it. I was too young to be interested in it when it originally aired.

@goku1552: As long as the game is fun, it doesn't matter what it looks like.

The female character sounds like every other female character in every Japanese anime in the last 20 years.

@azr: Looks fine to me.