Hamster Poop

@notfred: You're being generous with 100 years, I think.

@Mox FcCloud: I'm not pissed per se. I love LBP, but don't really pay attention to the music. The game still could have been a fun family game with the original song included. Most people would have reacted with a "those damn Muslims are freaking out about something trivial again. Next.", I think. Did the original

@Tiller: I'm not a fan of the various iterations of Transformers. I like the original series, as poor as the animation was, and the original characters. The only reason I have gone to see both the movies is because Peter Cullen is voicing Optimus. That makes the movies tolerable for me since everything else about them

Mr. Belvedere was awesome.

@yanipheonu: From what I read, the proper noun rule would be in a new version of Scrabble (along with other rules), along side the traditional version of Scrabble. Also read that the new version (Scrabble Twist, or something), won't be coming to North America since Hasbro controls the game over here, not Mattel.

@MOB712: I've seen them. Not interested in this game. Giving newly designed robots familiar names isn't enough for me to be interested in a Transformers game.

@Tiller: You mean those barely audible sound effects? Those don't cut it for me. And who's crying? You seem to be the only one. I don't care for this game. Even if it used to old school laser blast and transforming effects.

@Shanfara: So Islam is a terribly oppressive religion. That's fie when they want to do that nonsense to their own people. But demanding that non-Islamic oganizations follow their rules is bull.

@notfred: Good luck reselling them in 15 years to a collector.

I'll stick with paper. Much higher resolution than any screen, and it's nice to tuck your issue on a shelf when you are done.

I might grab Learning with the PooYoos for my kid. He's in the age range for that title.

@Cartman86: The Torah is the king of adult content, since it came first. The Bible and Koran are based off of it. Good fairy tales.

@Bondage_Zombie: What about the Koran or Torah? Same thing with those books. Same shit, different pile.

@drivebyinsult: Flipnote Studio is a dream come true for me.

@Joesifer00: The Old Spice commercials have been funny for several years now. Though I have not seen any recent ones.

@GorbyGipper: If your wife disagrees, then they aren't misogynistic.

@MechaTama31: People will get second jobs so they can afford a PS3. That was a big one too before launch.

@shimage: Blu-ray is not a Sony format.

That's the worst mock-up. It's absolutely stupid looking.