
Presumably anyone smart enough to invent a time machine would have better sense than that.

Additionally, since the process behind becoming a fossil is fairly specific and fairly complex, the absence of evidence doesn't seem like it's necessarily the evidence of absence in this case.

Tom Jane also voiced Frank in that Punisher video game from several years back, which was actually an EXTREMELY well-done, fun adaptation of the Marvel Knights stuff. That's primarily where my fondness for him as the character stems from, since he really sells it in that game.

What I love about that gag is that there's really never any indication that, in the Simpsons universe, Hank Scorpio doesn't just control the Eastern Seaboard forever.

He also got the "perk" of finally dealing with Janos Slynt, in one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. The later events of the novel are worth it for that alone.

Honestly the enemy organization so far has been so ill-defined that it's hard to know who's on what side and who might have access to what tech/powers. I would operate under the assumption that ANYONE who isn't on my team might well have been compromised with a camerahead once I discovered their existence, but I guess

I dunno, I guess that's true, but it just seems weird that they constantly seem to forget that their enemies might have camera bombs in their heads. It's bitten this team at LEAST 3 times off the top of my head but they NEVER learn!

I actually found Ward's reaction to Mike particularly stupid- Skye points out that Mike wouldn't even look at her, and they KNOW he was captured by the same people who are putting camera-bombs inside people's eyes, AND they know from experience that people with those cameras can sidestep them by just not looking at

Makes me think of the scene in Year One where a mask-less Bruce Wayne saves Gordon's son from falling into the water and Gordon looks at him for a minute, then looks away and mumbles something about how he lost his glasses and can't see a thing without them.

I always find these kind of things super-interesting. Slightly-related, but when I was a kid, my parents referred to the television remote control as a "beeper". I have no idea why, since it didn't make a beeping noise, or even a clicking noise (I've since heard "clicker" used as a term for the same thing). I never

It's going to be called "FAST MAN".

It wasn't about a left-handed person, that's for sure!

Made up for by the truly hilarious ass-kicking he receives at the hands of FrankenCastle, in my opinion. Rarely has a sustained, brutal beating felt so well-deserved.

Did his mom braid those pigtails for him, or do you think he does it himself like a big grownup?

I thought the *idea* behind the Sentry was extremely cool, but having only read his NA appearances, I found the actual character pretty grating. It was weird to see all these characters suddenly act like their best pal was this guy who had, essentially, been created last week. It felt very Mary Sue-ish to me. I don't

Niiiice, thanks for the tip!

I'm legitimately surprised at how badass this song is.

I'm going to listen to this now, but I do feel like if there's any genre of music that lends itself to a GoT-themed gimmick album, it's metal. I...I really want a GoT tribute with some Emperor, some Mastodon. WON'T THE SMITH HEAR MY PRAYERS

It sure is!

Him just joyfully clapping and singing along to the horrifying video explaining what's happening at the beginning of the movie was when I knew I would love this flick.

Also, the REAL joke here is how hilariously invested you appear to be in a throwaway joke comment I made three days ago. You're great. Never change, you!