Hamilton Nolan's Sad Sad Song

Puzder is reportedly “very tired of the abuse...”

If Gen. Petraeus is selected as the new national security adviser, he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours.

Man, it would suck if we had an aging infrastructure increasingly more hard- pressed to handle the stress of more severe and frequent extreme weather events caused by a changing climate if that was a thing and not just a librul myth. Luckily, Dear Leader Drumpf and the One Percenter People’s Party assure me that we

Seriously, fuck Yoo.

How the fuck did this guy get a job at Berkeley?

Doesn’t even matter. Give it a few months and the only jobs will be corpse collector, highwayman, and scavenger.


He will get confirmed anyway. They probably all will. Fuck these people. Fuck this country.

We aren’t going to buy your false equivalences anymore. You are insulting our intelligence.

Loooool. A big standing O from the people he brought with him to cheer. Brilliant.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I am now :(

Well force them to do us an embarrassing dare like yell they like sex in public and also they owe 12 favors, 1 for each billion; one good use of a favor would be a beer run for the Senate.

I’m just going to keep posting this motherfucker.

The same way you go from a Nobel Prize winner at Energy to a Dancing with the Stars loser.

Bush actually read quite a lot! Something like two books a week. That’s right: Trump makes George W. Bush look like a fucking academic.

She was also shrill!

... And this godforsaken buffoon was somehow preferable to a woman who had been in public service her entire life because ...emails.