Hamilton Nolan's Sad Sad Song

aimed for the kid’s shoulders, knees or feet

While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.

“Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. The last survey I saw”

Consider how the second phrase flows from the first.

They dont have all the guns, not by a long shot.

What’s especially useful about you guys is that you make it so easy to spot you.

My go-to Slenderman series was always Marble Hornets, but I’ll definitely have to give this one a shot. I know for awhile there it seemed everyone was doing a Slenderman youtube series, and maybe they still are, so it’s hard to pick out the really good from the mediocre.

I know this is directed at me, but I’m going to redirect it back at our Norwegian friend here. This feels like the chess equivalent of Ussain Bolt gloating about destroying the competition at the local charity fun-run. These players aren’t anywhere near his level and he knew it. Maybe that’s why this is bothering

folk like me: white people

The real secret is go to Popeyes instead of KFC.

Whoa there, Jimmy is an American Hero. Jimmy is dedicated to the task at hand. That task being "how many hot girls are walking past my station right now?"

The older I get the, the more I disconnect myself with other “gamers.” I just don't understand this mindset, ****ing nut jobs.

I’ve seen a couple comments on articles from Trump supporters (at least they said they were) who said if Trump doesn’t win, they will start grab their guns and start a revolution.

Yeah, I’m starting to think that if Trump actually raped someone in front of his supporters, they’d still be all, “Ha ha, he’s keepin’ it real!”

Liberals: we’re open minded, as long as you agree with me facts.

Not Peter Dinklage short. But yes, I'm short. ;)

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

thank you for my new motivational poster

Hottest woman who ever lived.