Hamilton Nolan's Sad Sad Song

I DO NOT GET IT. He read a bad speech with a child’s vocabulary that someone else wrote off of a teleprompter. Then he announced the creation of an immigrant watchgroup, trotted out a disease victim, the families of “victims of immigrant crimes,” and the wife of a soldier that HE got killed in a botched raid, and the

He read a fucking 4th grade level speech that someone else wrote off a teleprompter, and that speech involved the creation of an organization to vilify immigrants as part of the content. So, not only do I think his speech was a failure, but the glowing reaction of the media is a failure on their part of an enormity

Pretty sure neither of those “I’d like to drink a beer with him” presidents drink alcohol. Also, if you ignore the fact that he sent the country down our current path of madness, GW seems like nice, pleasant guy in person, for whatever that’s worth. Hanging out with Trump seems like an absolute horror show.

The conservatives are going to claim every democrat is the “Furthest left politician EVER in our HISTORY!” so why the fuck not actually go left? They can’t get any stronger in their condemnations because they’re always operating at 100% insanity.

The people who get laid the least? Fucking weirdo dudes who are obsessed with getting laid. Meet people. Treat them like people. More often then you think, these people will want to have sex with you if you behave like this.

When Al-Qaeda distanced themselves from ISIS for being “too extreme,” I took that as the warning sign it was. Same principal.


They have an answer to that:

Not sure it matters, they obstructed and it worked. Is there an “alternative” viewpoint youd like to share?

Violent revolution by a bunch of dudes dressed in tricorner hats carrying AR-15s.

The republicans didn’t pick their battles; they stymied every goddamn thing they could for 8 years, and now control all 3 branches of government for it.

They already pay the goddamn bill. It’s called state and local taxes. Fuck this goddamn insane nonsense.

Hamilton Nolan, I saw you getting on the subway at 14th street last night as I was getting off, and I almost thanked you for being my light in the darkness. Then I got embarrassed at the very thought and maybe shoved you out of the way I think.

She’s advertising herself as a Goldwater fan? Might as well mention her love for George Wallace, too.

Fucking wah. Deal with it, you crybaby. You want to be treated like intelligent people? Then think before you act or speak.

Imagine, if you will: Hamilton Nolan dressed as Uncle Sam, wearing stars and stripes boxing gloves, punching Donald Trump square in the jaw with a powerhouse left cross*, with a large starburst containing the word “FFFFOOOM” in comic lettering.

It’s great that the person who spent the whole election chastising his opponent as treasonous was committing high treason by colluding with a foreign government the whole time. Couldn’t have seen that one coming! (everybody saw that one coming)

I can think of at least a few people who couldn’t control the flow.

The Republican Congress’ plan to let him get elected and then impeach him for treason in the first year is going way more according to plan than I ever would have thought.