Hamlet goes against fascism

Maybe I’m blissfully ignorant here, but late 30s doesn’t seem that late to be having kids nowadays. (I’m sure it’s regional, but I’m not from LA or NY). The culture has shifted and so has medicine and lifespans. Most of my friends have had kids in their early to mid 30s and 39 doesn’t seem THAT much later.

I can’t afford housing

Your first five points equally apply to Ohio’s JD Vance. I know cuz here I am amazed that a right wing nut job is close to beating a seasoned moderate / left-leaning but not tilted candidate.

Haven’t used this in awhile but it still works:

I know the Handmaid’s Tale came out in the mid-1980s when Pence was a nobody but...

My hope is that Charles will be the last king because he’s such a dumbass that he'll ruin the monarchy with shit like this

Ive said it for eons. The shit was right orchestrated and all they wanted to do was bury Ray j. I hate the dude, but he is one smart dude to keep receipts and always kept his mouth shut (besides that horrible “I hit it first song”.

This is common with conservatives: no empathy. They make little carve outs or exceptions to protect themselves and those they love. They refuse to support similar carve outs or exceptions for similarly or analogously situated people. So she’s anti-abortion... until she personally needs an abortion and suddenly is

My initial reaction isn’t a nice one. This basic bitch should have known all this before it happened to her. It shouldn’t be necessary for it to happen to her. On the other hand, maybe this basic bitch going on TV is exactly what’s needed to change the minds of people like her?

I lived in Miami all my life prior to moving to CT just this past March.

Because they have nothing to lose but their reputations. Research how Robert’s has bent over backwards to join rulings that go against his personal feelings over the years, all because he cares more about the legacy of “the Roberts Court” then he did about any individual case.

On the plus side, not being married means you don’t get to be the older wife who has to fight for every penny when your lowlife spouse is fucking a sidechick. I've seen too many of my female friends in this position. At least when you're single, what you have is all yours!

Bold Prediction:  It’s going to fall short of the target, the recount won’t happen, but no money will be refunded, and she will suddenly disappear from social media for a time.  Trump taught them a few things, and “grift of the true believer” was lesson #1.

Following the Big Lie in 2020, this is apparently the new normal: Right-wingers claiming any outcome they don’t like is fraud.

They want to make it harder for their child brides to leave.

First of all, in 5 years a LOT of women are going to be sued by the state for “fraud” because their pregnancies ended in “legitimate” miscarriages (I hate this phrasing) or will be prosecuted for not being able to prove that they didn’t cause their miscarriage.

This impacts people who provide abortions and work in repro healthcare. People are getting 0 notice that they don’t have a job anymore, or that their boss doesn’t know if they have a job while they await an injunction. This not only messes with pregnant peoples’ lives, it messes with the lives of everyday folks just

This absolutely confirms in my opinion that Alito was responsible for leaking the draft. He did it to bring Roberts in line who was wavering on yea or nay.

How on earth is acceptable for a sitting SCOTUS justice to overtly state that he makes decisions from a traditional Christian point of view? Quite aside from him making pointed political statements in a fucking victory lap, the really troubling thing to me is that he’s at a religious summit at all.