Hamilton Nolan, Ginger Faggot

Watching the whole video, he’s clearly already laughing (heartily) at something else, then she bumps into him with her butt, and he makes the ha..ha... HA whooaaooops her butt!... YEEPS! face.

He’s middle aged though, he’s 40. On average people only live to be 80.

Well, I just like messing around with dorks. They don’t respond well to thoughtful arguments. In fact that is what they want you to do, drag out their inane conversation. They aren’t expecting a generally “normal” poster to go homophobe or full dickhead. Using the nuclear option sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t. I

Hey bud, at least be consistent. You are bummed when I called Mr. Métis a halfbreed and pointed out your aching vagina. However, you starred my comment I posted with my other account, Louis Riel, where I called our mutual foe a faggot bitch. I guess you are cool with homophobia but not hyperbolic racism to people of

You do seem like a guy who doesn’t get a lot of stuff. It’s cool that you’ve made it this far in life, into the Gawker comment section.

Hey dickweed i’m neither racist nor sexist, i just know how to work a room. It’s a more of a chat room, but it’s a still a room. sort of. You stick with your concerned Stuart Smalley persona and I’ll stick with bipolar genius. It’s what makes the internet great.

Did I hurt your vagina with my mean words to some loser who isn’t even you?

ok sure thing buddy

Let’s be real, you aren’t a Metis. I’m not sure where you learned that word, maybe 4Chan has a vocabulary section?

Why do you think anyone cares what some canadian half breed thinks about Germany’s immigration issues?

Maybe you should ask your mom for a hand job, you seem a bit frustrated.

Wing nuts do not care about Germany, or Europe, or women for that matter. Their facts are all mixed up. North Africans are not the same thing as Syrians. Do they even know where Köln is? Have they ever been there? or to Germany or Europe at all? The US has accepted 2300 syrian refugees over the past 4 years. Even if

Not worth engaging the American Breivik-wannabes.

Americans are ignorant of everything. It’s sort of like our thing.

Gay guys are good dancers, though. 90% of choreographers are gay men.

That is exactly wrong

I work from home and pretty much solely took care of my kid for the first three months after he was born. I think I was conditioned to believe it was going to be this impossible nightmare experience, because I didn’t think it was that bad. The worst thing is that he would wake up a number of times during the night, so

i don’t think it actually was though.

I actually went to a talk by Sphero, the company that makes the BB-8 toy, where they explained how they were approached by Disney after seeing their rolling ball robot toy. Quite brazenly, BB-8 was created as a merchandising ploy. The character didn’t even exist until Disney saw the rolling ball toy, and hired Sphero

Yeah he really liked his job. He’s actually a “famous” lawyer as far as one can be a famous lawyer. He writes books about legal issues and used to write a column for the Phoenix.