
see, Asians are successful and don’t need to rely on race to explain either their success or failures - enter your gawkerish blacks and latinos, who decided long ago that any success or failure they encountered could be tracked back to race - so while their Asian allies were studying engineering and/or whatever,

gawker morons are raised on twitter. reading is hard.

to bad you’re stupid - it says that he believes he’s innocent - no matter what the evidence says.

to hard for you to read...poor fucking baby raised on twitter...

who the fuck okayed a piece that tries to understand the rapist from his point of vie- of - and go fuck yourself, asshole

Ticketbastard and StubFuck should both go and die.

Rothkopf is a double moron - a Jew and a feminist who wants to import anti-women Jew haters...

who cares about the uterus - the only thing that matters is black lives

Aside from being fucked up and bullshit...

hey, just because she has a dick and balls, doesn’t make her a he - I mean just ask the gays - I’m, sure richie or sam or jordan would bunk down with a transman - I mean it’s not the dick that defines the man...right?

and a pineapple ain’t pine or an apple...

even worse, the song itself relies on stereotypes - so black people love hot sauce (on their fried chicken) and consider Red Lobster a treat (fucking Beyonce is worth billions, literally - any believe she goes to Red Lobster)? This is pathetic, that a talented, wealthy woman has to pretend she’s super ghetto so Bougie

losers ALWAYS resort to the you mad, bro thing that losers resort to. Why would I be mad - I don’t care if you want to fuck men - I don’t care if you want to look for justification in the animal world - as specious as it may be - and I don’t give a shit about Manny - he’s an asshole to say those things. so there.

we could say that we’re jealous that nubile young chicks were spreading their legs for him.

everything is fucking bigotry with people like you- it must feel great to stand so tall above all the disgusting people and you fucking piece of shit.

my dog - which I see on your list - will fuck male dogs, female dogs and sometimes his rug. Homosexual behavior indicate a preference - not a desire to fuck anything.

not really.

who says they can’t? But they like old blood too.

I think the only other people who talk so much about dicks and balls in a nonsexual context are probably engaged in nap time as I write this.

we all acknowledge that a young woman has the mind to control her own body regarding abortion - but, for political purposes, we all decide that should that girl use her body with an older man - even if it’s her choice, the guy is a rapist. make up your minds, ladies. Can’t have it both ways.