
it furnace blasted my body into ash and blew it where my butt used to be.

whoa. ‘fuckwit’ is pretty intense.

yeah. i just re-read the review to make sure i wasn‘t being too harsh after having my parade rained on by what seemed to me a bunch of shallow nitpicking, but no, this reviewer really does miss the mark on pretty much everything. it’s kind of comical how nowalk seems to be oblivious or resentful of the specifically

is brandon nowalk watching a different show than the rest of us?

yeah. that was weird as hell. i suspect the coens are personally probably pretty left leaning (their art seems like the work of highly sensitive empathic people, not your typical right-wing mindset), but they never promote a political ideology in their movies — in fact, they seem to actively avoid ever spelling out


yup! lesser minds will always misinterpret the style of something as the substance of it. the moody, depressed, insecure and reluctant superman reboot is not a superman that any of us recognize or believe. but james bond rebooted as a brutal, relentless, conflicted killer feels like the absolute essence of the

quantum of solace has it’s own memory wipe feature built-in, like a computer virus that erases itself. what a grim slog. i think i saw it twice even, yet all i remember is that bond holds an angry machine gun, the guy from the diving bell and the butterfly drives a nice convertible, and a cool desert hotel has a

oh come on. if you want to defend the system we live in, have at it. but please don't be pedantic. i'm using the term "capitalism" in its commonly understood short hand — the market-based economic system of the US.

And in that same 40 year period in the US, median wages have remained stagnant while productivity has skyrocketed. All the financial gains from increased worker productivity have gone to the wealthiest .5% of the population. Our economic inequality is now greater than it was during the gilded age of the 1920s.

i'm not enough of a historian to know how long anti-capitalists have been categorizing capitalism as "late stage", but i am enough of a human being to recognize when the economic system i have lived under my whole life is irreparably broken.

my first thought when three buckets ended was that it ranks among the best episodes of adventure time ever—it was as tragic and brutal as it was delightful and hilarious.

If Hot Pie is making only direwolf bread, does this mean he gave up on the gravy?

it's very strange, i keep agreeing with many of your individual examples — you make a lot of strong observations and points — yet you insist on arguing against things that i did not say and do not think.

hmmm. well, i definitely disagree that shouting can only serve as a personal emotional release in the face of seemingly entrenched forces of oppression.

thanks for expounding further. i appreciate it, and i also appreciate that you are interested in participating in a dialogue and are expressing earnest concerns about the potential pitfalls and broader perceptual or cultural ramifications of a project like this. i think all of the concerns you list seem fair and real.

i would not presume to know how anyone but myself truly feels about anything. the key question i have is, whatever your reasoning may be; are you telling benioff and weiss they shouldn't make this show?

this comment should have been the article.

no-buddy gets it riiiiiiiiiiight,
except youuuuuuuuuuuuu.

yeah…someting about using zombie to describe post-resurrection jon snow just doesn't feel wight.