oh shit this is pretty great
oh shit this is pretty great
i mean, good for them I guess? but it's not like an outdoors magazine was implying that only men are serious climbers…which would be worthy of mocking. it was a men's/bro magazine using climbers as a backdrop/theme for a fashion shoot. it's worthy of mocking in its own way, I suppose, but who cares?
very excited for this album. I'm going to see her in a few weeks - will probably wait and pick up the vinyl then. Not much room for anything else at the moment with Blond dominating my spins, but I am eager to let this album wash over me. Love the singles so far, loved Burn Your Fire.
Killers circa Brightside?
but the trailer literally says "30 years ago four scientists saved NY"
love this band so much
I like pretty much everything these guys have done but I rarely ever feel compelled to listen to them. I have a feeling they'd put on a really fun show. The Neighbor Song is really great. Hard to put a finger on why they don't really move me otherwise though.
you've been waiting 15 years for Almost Famous hate? Have you been living under a rock?
all right, my dad was such a huge fan of the original that I never bothered watching the remake, but I will get on that ASAP.
Can't speak to The Thing cause I haven't seen it, but Cronenberg's The Fly was incredible. One of my favorite horror/scifi movies of all time.