In America, pussy grabs you!!
In America, pussy grabs you!!
Funny how some people expect Blac to just stay and put up with any kind of treatment from Rob because ... scammer.
I hate Rex Ryan, and his little dog brother too!
You think racism is not appalling. Grand.
That’s a bullshit answer from someone who has apparently never driven on ice.
(I live in LA, but went to school by Lake Superior at Michigan Technological University and grew up outside of Ann Arbor. The roads here don’t turn to “ice”, you’re just a shitty fucking driver)
Not really. He hit the social media lottery. There’s nothing remarkable or talented about him, but for some reason the planets alligned and tons of 5-12 year olds latched on to him. His content isn’t impressive in the slightest.
No. Use a properly set up access point based network and use multiple access points. Mesh networks are Bad for performance. You need a router[not the consumer nonsense] a dumb switch and some access points have a look a Ubiquity Unifi. With their “USG” a cheap switch and their AP’s you can easily cover ANY house. …
I think you’re operating under a false assumption, Tad. You’re assuming that nobody is smarter than you and nobody has information that you could learn from. While it’s undoubtedly true that a lot of these “courses” are a waste of time, only a fool would completely close his/her mind to the possibility that somebody…
Isn’t the whole point that everyone asks him something?
As a computer repair tech who—on a daily basis—has to deal with the fruits of peoples’ ignorance/stupidity and answer the most inane questions imaginable, this is the least surprising bar graph I’ve ever seen.
I think this may be the first time I’ve seen a woman use the word cuck un-ironically. I don’t like it.
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
I’ve taken great joy in keeping my daughter from my in-laws. It makes them sad. It makes us happy.
“I was like a god there, I owned that stadium.”
If you do not love marijuana, you are not doing it right.
Its really helped to untether myself from my phone while at home. Plus, it can be used by everyone in the house at anytime.