Own it or own up is still the same thing.
Own it or own up is still the same thing.
They shot st him first. He fired back.
Neither. It doesn't matter who the targets was. What matters is the action itself. They all did bad things. Very bad things. They did so without remorse. That's what makes them villains and the audience understands that. They understands that they're human beings. The movie tries to constantly emphasise that they…
You might want to check that again. Owning it can also mean owning up to it like a crime.
He killed. He didn't murder.
No he didn't. All those were self defense.
Doesn't matter still an innocent person. Again its implied he ate other people before that. That's still bad. Even what boomerang did was still bad. Robbing a bank is still bad. Doesn't matter who the targets were, they were still bad people. That's what I'm saying. Yes deadhsot cared about his a daughter but…
No batman didn't murder people.
All of his movies.
he is a competent filmmaker.
most of them
no it's not. deadshot assasinated a witness on screen. croc says he eats people because it gives them power. harley fell in love and killed an innocent truck driver before being turned by the joker at ace chemicals. she also gave the joker a machine gun helping him kill the innocent people at the asylum. also…
again how is that a stereotype ?
Umm deadhsot assasinates people. Harley killed innocent people. Croc ate people. Diablo burned his family. Boomerang robbed every bank in Australia at least once before coming to america. So tell me how are they not bad again ?
How are they stereotypes ?
Umm………She didnt say be proud of that .she said own it, which means own up to the crime. How in the living fuck do you get that wrong ?
No actually they got the characters right.
Why are most of the a.v club writers sarky dickheads ?