
My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in

As has there been with black people, just like white people have been shot in similar situations. My question still stands, how is what the officer did not acceptable given the situation? Not saying it’s the preferred outcome. How is a cop supposed to handle a person who is not cooperating and suddenly pulls something

How is an officer supposed to react to someone drawing something out of a pocket and pointing it at them like a gun after repeated calls to stop what they are doing? I mean, it’s awful that this happened and I wished he could have gotten the proper help before this, but it sounds like the officer wasn’t charged for a

while this would have a certain amount of poetic justice, there’s a decent chance that his chattiness about Clinton’s emails and his silence on Trump’s dossier were motivated by a desire to influence the election, which is extremely illegal. And if that were the case, there would be intent, therefore I would want

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for Trump voters who get health benefits via the exchange or who receive Medicare/Social Security who seem stunned that the continuation of these benefits is now in real jeopardy. I feel sorry for everyone smart enough not to vote for Trump who will lose access to these

This is my great dream. How do we make this super concert happen?

she reportedly doesn’t have a computer, but uses her cell phone to access the internet

The former waitress, who said she has been unemployed since 2004, spoke in a soft voice and told the judge she is receiving Social Security disability assistance.

Lindsay Graham? Not that I agree with him on a lot of issues, but he’s been pretty consistently anti-Trump.

Probably because you get spammed with ad’s a lot playing mobile games and the Clash of Clan games tend to be shown a lot

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Phil LaMarr, Jennifer Hale, Keythe Farley, and Ray Chase had an AMA about the strike a couple of weeks ago. I was hazy on the details, so I checked it out.

I usually tell people to ask themselves what the people/articles telling them whatever specious “fact” have to gain by them believing it. Many people who believe this stuff were never taught how to spot obvious cons, which is why Trump’s voter base so neatly fits with people who were swindled by his college/timeshare

In this case, they found a gun. The wife said there wasn’t one, but she was wrong. She also had known he had a gun because she had filed a domestic violence report against him before the incident and said he had one. Having TBI doesn’t mean you are excused from obeying a “drop the gun” order.

So, I actually feel bad for the truck driver as well. What he did was horrible, but he’s working poor and to keep his job he had to drive those ridiculous hours. If he can be charged with murder, why not the Wal-Mart executives who make their drivers drive 24 hours without sleep?

“Sorry Barron, it sucks to be scrutinized for every little thing because your parent decided to run for President. But hey, at least you won’t have anyone on the left calling you the First Dog”

Ladies and gents, your de facto First Lady.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

I think that’s Respawn’s plan. Being a good Developer doesn’t just mean making great games. It also means being smart about your products and i.p.’s to grow the brand. Respawn has always (I’m talking even back when they were Infinity Ward) been good at this aspect alongside being a good dev - which is rare these