
@avclub-4b8dbaa429f18373947e25594eb17f40:disqus Wait, what, who? What did I miss? There are only two left, am I wrong?

Holy shit, Fillion as Nick Charles is a genius idea.

Getting up before noon finally did me some good.

Fourth worst. Playgirl. Ever.

Just like the gypsy said.


@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus We don't roll on the sabbath.

Dark + Awesome = Dawesome

::drum fill::

::chokes @avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus ::

"Hello! Hello! Hello. Hello!"

Dammit, I had a decent firstie for this one.

I didn't hate the song, but I Liked your comment anyway because it was the comment I was hoping to make.



@joaquinstick:disqus  Offensensitivity.

I give you: FUCK ACRES!

Well, no-one's gonna top that.

"Come on come on, do the Donkey Kong" was my generation's "Four dead in Ohio".

"People don't go to Heaven when they die. They're taken to a special room and burned."