
I thought RDJ in the first one was entertaining, compelling, and about ten thousand miles away from resembling Sherlock Holmes in any way, shape, or form. If you gave that character a different name, I would watch all his movies without stealing them.

"Operation Dumbo Drop" is the name of my other Skrillex cover band.


Was he a large man? Big through the hips? Roomy?

Fun Fact: early in his career, David Lynch was offered, but turned down, the opportunity to direct Twilight: Eclipse.

I tried running the math on Fight Club, but it kept slipping away from me.

They never sent my badge. Looking back, I suppose I dodged a bullet there.

I'm on the internet; I may need it later.

Having never seen an episode of Two and a Half Men, I watched the clip.

He knew his business, though. He had Bobby broken down into Van Der Beek face within three minutes of getting him alone.

Seriously, if George Harrison had to pay out for "My Sweet Lord", the guy who invented Mr Bill should get royalties for the rest of his life from internet culture as a whole.

I prefer to keep a few locked in the basement.

Perhaps I shall move to New York.

Inherently or contextually?

My vote was "suicide".

I had something for this…

I'm going to Like every post you make in this thread, on principle, until I start forgetting to check.

That was the hit-bottom point for me. That was the Jar Jar Stepping in Shit scene.

The fridge scene is kind of the scapegoat for the movie. It the rest of it, post-Boof, had been any good, "nuking the fridge" would never have become a thing at all.

I hated it the first time I saw it, coming to it as a fan of the Club Dumas book. Then I thought to instead watch it as a dark-comedy/horror loosely based on the book, which fixed it for me.