halloweenjack, King of the Wild Frontier

There’s a German film called Christiane X. The filmmakers wanted to use David Bowie music in the film so they just had the main characters go to a Bowie concert. The specifically hired Bowie to perform a concert for the film

It does give credence to the theory that Polly Platt was the smarter one in the family, as when he left her his talent disappeared. Reading this I am also reminded of the underrated Drew Barrymore comedy Irreconcilable Differences in which a character played by Ryan O’Neil and is obviously based on Bogdanovich is

He could have been the kind of director his ego thought he was if he had kept his dick in his pants for a minute and not been an utter asshole to Polly Platt. Reading his obit was like stepping back in time and seeing a long list of blown opportunities. But he also went through hell when his girlfriend was murdered

TCM did a six-part podcast called “The Plot Thickens” recently where the entire first season focused exclusively on him. He lived a fascinating, shitty, and weird life.

can we talk about this instead?

I think that’s overblown. Wanting your co-star to execute the dance routines properly and getting frustrated when they cannot isn’t unforgivable, as proven by Debbie Reynolds speaking kindly of him beyond the tension of shooting the dance sequences.

The list, BTW:

Has anyone actually defended Starkiller Base, though? I really liked Force Awakens and I thought that was goofy as a concept too. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. But a lot of people are trying to act like the worst dreck the EU produced was Hugo-worthy in no small part just because it isn’t “Disney Star Wars”, or

Mehmet Oz? i barely watched the show Oz!

Maybe Mehmet Oz is the friends we made along the way.

Some high school student in biology class is going to be traumatized.

What makes this so hilarious is how aggressively the makers of Tiger King prevented anyone under contract with them to even appear in other interviews. Yet apparently didn’t stop think about other contractual copyrights.

I also know a lot of people convinced the “D” Herbie wants cannot be found in “D.D.S.”

I have said before that I would love it if they brought the ‘05 Johnny Storm to the MCU, have him still played by Chris Evans, and have no one say a word about it.

Not necessarily. Costuming is a director preference. Look at The Lion King! The terribad costume choices actually worked for me as the “vision” of one of those playwrights/directors who believe that minimalism is always art and “edgy.”

BOND ORIGINS 2: Dawn of Oddjob

If you’re of a delicate nature, there are Christmas movies for you: childlike offerings like A Charlie Brown Christmas, or Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. Traditionalists can have Miracle On 34th Street and It’s A Wonderful Life...These relative classics are safe, sure bets for maintaining a seasonal framework while

That’s dumb. You’d have to be the world’s biggest asshole to name a son “Baron.”

- The realisation that Jamie Foxx could make a really interesting Electro if every other part of that decision making process wasn’t a flaming turd.