
One of the most infuriating things about the show is how Olivia goes from a dipshit who thinks Jake and her father are just peachy to an asshole that thinks they're up to no good. How about an apology or a thank you to Huck for the verbal slap across the face? The show is so fixated on turning Olivia into a "titan"

That video made it so fucking obvious that even the Warren Commission would've screamed "IT'S A SET-UP!!!".

The parts are equating to much above zero now either. Although I'm loving Charlie's breezy, good-natured psychopathy.

Well sure, if he was armed on duty in the Gulf War or whatever, but what did he think an office building desk jockey was going to whip out of his dress clothes? The only thing that made any sense was if Tom only put in enough bullets to kill the security guards at the door, thus handing his patsy nothing but a scary

And the Sally Langston crap has nothing to do with anything else in the show. Nobody comments on it, nobody interacts with her, she apparently isn't running for president again - what the HELL? And putting her "sermons" at the beginning of the episode just makes me check out all the sooner.

I think the show needs to give Martha something more than just shutting up every time Chip snaps at her. She obviously has some interesting quirks of her own vis a vis when she offered to disappear instead of making her boss fire her or that exchange at the pet store about how the "dog" would be justified in attacking

a) Either he blackmailed the boyfriend, or Eli Pope stood outside the General's house and gave it a grandstanding monologue until the computer cried uncle.
b) I blame it exclusively for the bad ratings last night. I also blame it for a sinus headache I woke up with this morning and a disappointing breakfast burrito I

"Hi! Here's this week's check, and here's a blank script page I wiped myself with after a bad buffet lunch at that Indian restaurant I just can't quit. See you at the table read! Try to sit down at Guillermo's end if you could, sweetie. Kisses, Kate!".

I dunno…I'm even against Gettysburger at this point.


That's the only justified explanation for her "show". Garbage.

Nobody gets to attack Joe Morton for still being on the show as long as these GOD-AWFUL SALLY LANGSTON HARRANGUES ARE STILL FRONT AND CENTER. What the hell, Shonda…

One of the top five episodes of any show this year, for damn sure.

absolutely LOVED the lady that lit his cigarette for him. What a massive little moment.

Yeah, it sounded like Zach had Brenda Blethyn in mind, who's great, but THANK GOD they took a hard left and casted Louie instead.

That ending catapulted the show into the "serious attention must be paid" category.

I missed the first half of that line and I still burst out laughing at it.

This is the episode where I said to myself, "that's it, I'm buying the DVD set as soon as humanly possible". And I don't even consider buying DVDs anymore. What a beautiful, beautiful episode. That ending hits me harder today than it did last night. The episode even made a character I have ZERO interest in watching on

They can't just combine the two and call it "Agent Carter, Esq."?

A little, but I get a stronger Alan Partridge/Lynn the assistant vibe mixed with some "Eagle Vs. Shark".