Mildish Tarentino

And this is how Trump’s anti-media propaganda propagates whether you believe it or not.

Dude, nipple chafing is a serious thing

Boats Botes: Call me back when you win something.

And this is how Trump’s anti-media propaganda propagates whether you believe it or not.

They’re missing out really. They could be charging $30 a pop for branded ($$ for advertising too) “phone holders”, some kinda dealie used to strap your phone “safely” to your hand, and made from such cheap plastic and nylon you’d have to buy a new one every time you came to the park. That way, no phones allowed on the

Kentucky prog rock band

There’s no worse punishment than playing for the Browns.

I second this motion strongly.

Waaaaaay too much through went into this for a Kinja post.

Once he gets that first step on the defenders, it’s OVER

As a Jays fan, I’m so excited to watch this guy put up insane numbers and finish 3rd - 5th in the AL East for the next 10 years.

People working in American government to continue feeding the Military Industrial Complex above all else. You could have broke this story anytime in the last 70 years.

My fucking tax dollars paid for that basketball /s

20 more years and we’ll only need a pitcher, a batter and a wall 400 feet away (assuming catchers are replaced with some sort of automated ball return machine), all that field and bases and defensive players are just getting in the way of strikeouts and home runs.

I know the Splinter commentarati like to bash on commerce, capitalism, and Trump; but this may actually be a good idea

“Now not only can we spend money on the military to defend ourselves from imaginary threats on Earth, now we can defend ourselves from imaginary threats in space too!”


NPR’s list has the kind of variety and actual listenability you don’t get from repetitive lists like Rolling Stone’s 2003 “500 greatest albums of all time.” (Seventy-eight musical acts have three or more albums on that list. Two of those acts are women-led.)

When you’re that white trash you don’t say “chicken tenders”. All non-wing, bite sized chicken pieces are “McNuggets” regardless of shape or brand.