Mildish Tarentino

England (have never been more England)

The Head is understandably worried about all of these soccer men with undersized craniums.

Omg, short halting non-sentences, the mis-spelled reference, the unnecessary capitilization, Obama drop, the trail off at the end....

That might be the most genuine interview I’ve seen with any North American pro sports athlete since Marshawn Lynch’s Seahawks post-gamers.

That’s exactly what I’m talking about. No credit for actually doing it, just torn apart because there’s no way to make an inherently imperfect situation perfect.

Man, pretty and blonde isn’t usually enough to blind a rich pro athlete. They must be into some kinky shit.

I was involved in another thread that was basically about how we should just have everyone over a certain age committed because they’re all actually crazy from the amount of lead they were exposed to. Stories like that make me believe it more and more...

You can’t fucking win either way. Canada’s Prime Minister is likely going to get voted out in the next election largely because we were really nice to a bunch of Syrian refugees.

Anything from the Isles will do it for me. Others may disagree.

Fair enough, but what exactly was “the best” in that situation?

1. The United States is responsible for the destabilization and problems of some all of the Latin American countries, I invite you to get your head out of your ass and do some research.

The problem is you’re dangerously on the edge of “Let’s round up everyone from (Group X), and do (X) to them”. Would you support the same strategy with mentally ill people?

Citation needed.

Gawd man, I hear ya. It takes a special kind of asshole to ruin two epic classic rock songs in one shot.

Sounds like someone’s a little VGK jaded, it was one season dude. In counterpoint to your random hockey results argument, this was the first season anyone besides the Ducks, Hawks, Sharks or Kings did anything in the West in loooooong time. Not counting this season, besides those 4 teams there’s only been 4 other

If he’s 100% sure he didn’t do it and 50% sure she didn’t, that’s actually only 75% sure total, but hockey players are terrible at math.

English language soccer play by play has to be a guy with a British accent. Period.

Can’t tell if you’re actually a gun nut, but in case you are, think about this critically for a moment:

Ah I gotcha, the warrant was the important part of the argument to me. I agree it sucks for law enforcement if they have reasonable cause and a search warrant, but said evidence is encrypted. I still don’t see it as really any different than an officer or lawyer knowing a defendant preemptively shredded documents or