Mildish Tarentino

Live a hour-ish outside Toronto, can confirm

I heard four year olds walking to school yesterday morning making these points, but I live in Canada so....
“Play like every other team who’s won the Cup in the last 10 years” isn’t exactly insightful.

You need some support here dude, I’m with ya. Security delays with air travel piss people off at the best of times, never mind the fact that they were questioning the legitimacy of her flying with her own child, that would piss off any mother. It doesn’t mean however that it’s not a completely necessary safeguard

Petroleum Industry: Incident free since whenever, because we decide what the threshold for calling something an incident is

You got it man, and not only just “ALL the data”, but as you’ve eluded to, GOOD data.

A shift to anti-stupidity / anti-destroying the free Western world, and a shift to the left are not the same thing. I’m sure there’s a site out there for you with less enlightened gearheads where all points of view no matter how dumb are treated with respect.

I went into this comment ready to dispute your position, but the numbers are actually pretty favourable.

I’ve been waiting for this to come up in a comment thread for a couple weeks.

This is why despite my lifetime love for the NHL, I will always love watching junior hockey more even though I pay much less attention to it. Relatively sloppy defensive hockey + individual skill players with the room to shine = great watchin

Yep, theft, murder, racial and religious persecution, corruption, blatant empiricism, and international financial maleficence definitely do wonders for “relevancy”.

Sorry man. You have to know in your heart that to these fucks 1 aborted white baby is 1000000 worse than 1500 missing brown babies. Some (most?) of them are probably happy. Less immigunts takin ar jawbs.

She actually did have the words right, just in the wrong order:

...specialists at killing everything remotely smaller than themselves and some bigger...

Hey sorry, despite our shared nostalgia your very 90's/00's comment needs modernizing:

From all the research I’ve done/seen (sister and brother in-law both gluten free, BIL actually has had diagnosed celiac since the 80's, sister is just a loser) Maker’s Mark is your best bet for a brown spirit to enjoy.

I’m starting to believe that even if he did there’d be a well armed “militia” showing up to break him out.

The “honoring” of the Sante Fe High students at the Rockets game last night made me _very_ uncomfortable. It was more like a celebration of everyone who survived, which is fair, but still.... I think something isn’t right with that. Just the tone of the whole thing really put me off. I guess because as you said, this

If this was a game 7 or a game 6 at home he’d be playing. I think they’re just cutting their losses when they have a much lower chance of beating GS in Oakland even with a 75% CP3 anyways, and could risk aggravating the injury further and definitely lose him for game 7. I think it’s actually a good call to rest him up