Mildish Tarentino

+1 Roc

*slow clap*

26% of Alabama voters are black

She blocked me on Instagram last time I I pointed out she probably shouldn’t be socializing with this dude she was talking to because he had a pic of himself shaking hands with a PoC.

The 20/5 TD/INT ratio is always what impressed me the most about that season. Has there ever been another rookie throw >15 TD’s and have a 4:1 ratio? Nevermind the fact that he was scrambling his ass off and throwing on the run half the time. Just incredible. Has to be the most tragic case of injury limiting such a

OMG a giant corporation is selling a product! It must be inherently evil!

God it must suck to know you

Oceania is, and always has been, at war with Eastasia, and Eurasia is an ally

I fuckin hate Britt McHenry, she is human garbage, but she kinda has a point.

It’s not even about being entitled to having an opinion. We seemingly have accidentally developed this social construct where an opinion can’t be wrong because it’s just an opinion.

It really was superior in game play to Blades of Steel, but it was hard to compete with a game where only the loser of a fight got a penalty.

I’m with you.

You need to meet my gf, you’ll get lots of practice in dealing with this mindset

You win

Uhhh yeah, I’ll count myself in on gleefully watching the boomers’ death clock. Has less to do with the age of the politicians in power, and a lot more with the nursing homes voting conservative en masse.

Pretty sure I said the Yankees were unlikeable... Anyways... outside of David Price the Bo-Sox are 1000 times more likeable than the Yankees.

If it helps, remember these two things:
#1 - They play for the Yankees, makes them arrogant dicks by default. Even if they’re nice to start out with (See; Jeter, Derek)

Blue Jays fan, agree to strongly disagree

You’ve obviously never tried a Green Russian

Preach homey