
Lexus LFA

Wow, all of a sudden I really dislike this glasshouse, it looks a bit like a 1 series but with even worse proportions in order to fit the extra doors.

Lucky you, in the rest of the world however it’s a motorcycle.

I doubt the commodore ute will survive the global alignment. GM will happily sell you a Colorado though.

I’m sorry but “Inherently unbalanced”? Triples are beautiful, virtually vibration-free cinnamon buns of the automotive world. Go ride a Triumph triple and tell me it’s unbalanced.

I like this a lot but please don’t call it a scooter. The engine is not mounted to the swingarm so it’s a real motorcycle.



Oh, Now I like this very much.

I’ll kill you and anyone else to own one of these.

Should have used gloss instead of plastidip.

Put a roof on it, please god make a proper coupe out of it.