Where I’m from there is no line, just dumb rednecks who shout ‘watch this!’ right before making the rest of us attend another funeral.
Where I’m from there is no line, just dumb rednecks who shout ‘watch this!’ right before making the rest of us attend another funeral.
If you have patience the emulators will catch up.
The real problem is asking any of us to feel sympathy with some of the wealthiest, most privileged people in the world playing a game for a living that many plebes would give their right nut to do for five minutes.
For every NFL linebacker now suffering from CTE in his mansion I’ll raise you five guys from the street…
but his owners just combed his hair and powdered his tush-tush. He’ll sit, roll over, throw an interception, and try to bury his poop. He’s a good boy!
I love that humans are so stupid they never learn.
Fifty years from now, when everyone is permanently jacked into the Matrix you’ll still have the AIs saying ‘hey let’s rename the Binary Throneroom in an open internet contest! what could go wrong?’
It was so terrible I thought I had made a mistake and gotten the wrong movie.
The Prestige used some actual slight of hand, to go along with some sci-fi, but Now YOu See Me was nothing but CGI tricks, quick edits, and the most implausible plot I think I have ever seen. And I’ve seen all 4 Transformer movies and…
Me too. I keep waiting for someone to show up with a Liefield sized gun and eradicate everything in a burst of green energy.
Got to backtrack for when the movie tanks.
Then blame the MRA and Gamergate.
Restart the entire process when they decide to remake Caddyshack to remove all ‘offensive’ speech and just focus on humor that makes people feel good.
A better question is why the murders. Why wouldn’t people just be embezzling all the money they can and hopping on the next international flight the following, peaceful morning?
I know it’s just a dumb movie, but it only focuses on violent stuff. Except for beheading people who don’t use turn signals or text at the…
Careful, according to the editors at Kotaku/io9 your friends are, in order:
Islamaphobic or bigoted against Mexicans
Transphobic and possibly plotting hate crimes
White supremacists. That last one is just a catch-all for anything.
Totally agree. That was a very fun game.
Amalur was a good game. Great combat system and easy to understand quest management. I sunk 100+ hours into beating every square inch of that, but I couldn’t get past the ‘where the hell am I and what am I doing’ or Oblivion or Skyrim.
Curt is still a moron, a terrible businessman, a bigot, and a delusional right…
Spiderman has a suit that seems difficult to translate into the real world.
I like Morales’ comic book suit, but the deep blacks and red accents look kind of cheap in the real world. I know this is just a cosplayer so I’m not slamming him (it’s a good looking homemade suit), but I am slamming the Civil War wardrobe…
They’re desperately trying to make a new Joffrey and it doesn’t gel.
Stop trying to make Ramsay happen.
I know we all hope Sansa ends up okay because she’s still like a beat puppy (black emo dress or not). But does anyone honestly care about these two all that much?
No screen time for the Dornish princess, oh but Sansa and Reek can have an hour of season 6. Thanks. Great.
They’ve already changed the books, just write…
Stardust is fantastic. It’s the perfect Hero’s Journey movie.
When I used to teach creative writing that was the movie we’d watch to learn how to structure a basic monomyth.
That’s why The Force Awakens was so fun, same for Guardians of the Galaxy and even Deadpool. And that’s why Batman v Superman v My Eardrums was…
*An awesome psychopath.
I wish that was the case. The book seems to be characters endlessly meandering around with subplots cropping up like hydra heads and then long descriptions of food.
Good economy? He just borrowed endlessly and skipped town when the loans were due?
Also, there are few people he’s worse than. Littlefinger has manipulated the realm into war. He’s responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people, not to mention the rapes, the maimings, the orphans, human trafficking, etc.
I was just going to say this. She might come out at the end a strong survivor and tough like her mother, but she’s not a leader.