
I am even nerder. I think of “Waiting for Godot.” Theater Geek beats your Sci-Fi Geek. (Though if Dukat did show up in this movie, I think I would pass out from happiness.)

is this any of you bc if so pls marry me

The best part of the First Amendment is that YOU, idiot internet commenter, get absolutely ZERO say in how and why a person practices their religion. YOU are completely IRRELEVANT to anyone else’s religious practice. YOU can just go fuck right off. Bye Felicia.

*Noted environmentalist* Leonardo DiCaprio can’t stop jetting around on his private plane.

Just wanted to add that we’ll be doing ladies looking for ladies in the next week or two! (I wanted to try keeping the answers somewhat topically focused for each installment; definitely haven’t forgotten that not all women prefer dick.)

I just want to hear Bruce Jenner say that he’s happy. As a kid who built a decathlon in our backyard and competed with my siblings to be Bruce Jenner, I hope he gets to be what makes him happy. He was amazing and defined athleticism and masculinity, so let him define what makes him completely whole.

I like the mountains.

Last time I ate an oyster, after being harassed by family to try one, I immediately threw it up onto the table. I’m 32.

I was a bit confused about this article until I reread the title. I thought it said “Shockingly ‘Looking For a Girlfriend’ Dude Seems to Kinda Like Dick”.


Did some research and apparently his name is Snoopy. He’s amazing and I love him.

There’s been lots of coverage of this for a while at wildhunt.org.

Frankly, I think it’s just stunningly childish and irresponsible that these people would get on airplanes without up to date Cooties vaccinations in the first place.

I’m a gay man, in the age range of the FMK trio, happily coupled off, but if I were single I’d either join a celibate religious order or reconsider my marriage chances with some of my female friends if these three were the only guys on offer. Although maybe I’d take Jeb, because I love Maine and Florida, and imagine

non-monogamous relationships can be hard to navigate. like, when you have to be like "oh yeah and i'm bringing my girlfriend to Thanksgiving too, Ma. and NO, i did not break up with Matt, i see you about to ask."