
I am the underwear my Grandma bought me only wear on laundry day/period lingerie. Dead sexy.

Too funny...great minds indeed. :)

Omg...how adorable is she?

I have been very stressed, and nothing seems to help. I hadn't considered quarterly orgies!

That's disturbing...not because he's scary or anything but because he's trying so hard to be cool and relevant. Dude you're like 50. Take off the makeup and buy some lawn furniture already.

I like S&M, I like some porn, I like Miley Cyrus. This just confuses me. Perhaps I'm not fancy enough for art?

I'll just leave this here...

Oh Gramma.....no.

Oh dear lord...I never even considered the possibility of alimony. :(

I've had a craptacular week, and I can't drink. Have a glass for me!

Thanks for the advice. The cheating is just the straw that broke the camel's back. I have suggested couple's counseling, which she refused to even try. She claimed that the other times she's been (ex husband and ex boyfriend) that she was blamed for all the issues and the therapist "took sides". I am very lucky to

Hiya. I have been a longtime reader/lurker on Jezebel and a recent poster type person. I could use some advice, from people who don't know me. (My friends are so keen to protect me I feel they can't be objective) I'm gay and have been with my wife going on 12 years. It's been a rocky 12 years for various

If I cannot get Cadbury bars it...will...be...on.

So the fact that it was a child makes no difference at all? What the fuck?

This should be fun...

I do not care for John Mayer, the man or the whiny ass music he produces.

re. Angela Bassett

Well, you know what happens when you don't pay your exorcist. You get repossessed.

A message for Ms. Young