
I once thew my back out and ended up in the ER from pooping. I guess if you "push" too hard you can strain your muscles and stuff. Bless the Doctor for not laughing at me. :)

As an awkwardly dancing lesbian myself, I wish her all the best!

Jeebus, he's like my age. Are people still Goth?


Oh jeez....put a sock in it already.

Oh, I think we know who's behind this...

Well to be honest, Riverside is the Florida of CA. It's the methiest place on Earth!

You know you're old when you remember when Madonna was cool....and relevant.

Nanny me? Is that what the kids are calling that now a days? ;)

I can't star this enough!!

Yeah, cuz the Koch Brothers eat nothing but 7-11 hot dogs and nachos.

The dog exhibits no discomfort because it's trained to not react. That being said, what kind of maroon let's their child step on a dog? It's not cute or funny. Children should be taught to respect animals as fellow living beings. It's says a lot about this woman and her family that she posted this so nonchalantly.

Well, I didn't start my own business, but I packed up and moved half way across the country when I turned 30. I just kind of hoped for the best and took the leap. Looking back, almost 20 years later, it was the best thing I ever did. Good luck to you, I hope your dreams pan out!