

I'd take horny over hateful any day.

i specifically said MEE-YA FARE-OH in ROSEMARY’S BABY

They had a security flaw they needed to address and have been down for a little while -but expect to be back up starting tomorrow.

Everyone knows that you pay Sony $60 a year to rent games. You expect Sony to protect your console, as well as your personal information from online hackers? Haha. You’re crAzy!

“these days you can’t say anything” Always seems a bit overblown to me.

EvilLore being a gross creep is the least surprising news I’ve heard in a long time. He hasn’t really tried very hard to hide how shitty he is.

Crawl back up your mother’s ass and incubate for a few more years.


The real terror is the diabetes if he survives.

You need to give Lost Planet 2 another look - it’s terribly underrated, a game I come back to regularly just because the campaign is so varied and fun. There’s a lot of different ways to tackle each level, with and without people.

The way everything is cut up into sections can be off-putting at first, but it’s

Yes....yes it is..

Unfortunately, yes;

Yep. Well, a sequel/reinvisioning anyway.

I know someone else already posted a Pong one, but here’s my 2-player take on it.

What have you done, Brian.
What have you done.


Not much of an improvement right?