can’t I just kill Ingward and open the floodgates myself?
can’t I just kill Ingward and open the floodgates myself?
real talk: you got fired, because you gave dragon’s dogma a NO, isn’t it?
I’m glad, you put Paranormal Activity in the list. It’s important for a newcomer to know, what absolute dogshit looks like.
fashion victims.
you can only hyperlink with a kinja premium membership.
I’ve peeled bananas wrong all my life! :O
hmm, I wonder what Dr. Jurassic would be about.
He-Man Musou? I like!
nah, they already knew how to kill us. they have now the ability to torment us. slice off specific limbs just to make us suffer.
13 hours? lol, that’s nothing. I pity the one who had to review FFXIII...
might as well go all the way now. I present to you: Betty of Rivia
this must be the scariest but also most delicious death, ever!
with his butt.
I’m a big LP2 fan myself! the boss fights are really something, and I would’ve loved if they expanded the monster hunting more for LP3. but capcom’s gonna capcpom, right?
wait, I saw a picture of that and thought it was some really good photoshop. but it’s actually a thing?
all according to penkeiku.
it’s fermented cthulhu.
yeah, but you get to keep the icon in your library as a constant reminder that you own NOTHING.
ah, the miracle of birth.
eh, if I had to make a guess, it’ll be because of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. the whole vampire lore made drinking blood sexual and therefore, well, less gross.