
Disclaimer : I went Black Eagles (the superior choice, fight me)

That’s kinda cute...still not gonna get it

The men still pull the World Cup money wagon. The men’s World Cup in Russia generated over $6 billion in revenue, with the participating teams sharing $400 million, less than 7% of revenue. Meanwhile, the Women’s World Cup is expected to earn $131 million for the full four-year cycle 2019-22 and dole out $30 million

Your name is hilariously ironic for your statement.

RNG is only part of it, but if it was purely RNG then there wouldn’t be consistent tournament winners in any card game. So CLEARLY there is a skill involved.

Also, if you actually think the game is primarily based on RNG, it’s because the deck you built is garbage. I have friends that play all the card games (so it’s

Now playing

Honeybees are actually not good for the environment...

Honeybees are unnaturally brought into envornments, protected by humans so that their natural predators are unable to contain them, and they actively damage other pollen spreading insects because they’re territorial.

Honeybees are not essential to pollen

“If you’re an accessory brand sponsoring a player on an esports team, and that esports team has a bunch of influencers, and then all of a sudden your competitors start going after the influencers on that same team, it almost invalidates your sponsorship,”

Cloud actually is the one that kills Aeris. She gets stabbed in the back, but not in a fatal location... then she passes out. Our boy Cloud is the one that puts her in the water, allowing her to drown and actually die.

Didn’t read the article.

Am I the only one pissed off about the fact that Cap was using the lightning aspect of Thor’s hammer? The one that in the third Thor movie was determined to only be a conduit for his powers....? There’s even a fucking line from ODIN that goes “You’re the god of thunder, not the god of hammers”

So... Why was he able to

cue the Dave Chappelle skit, “This n***** broke into here and put up pictures of their family. Despicable. Sprinkle some crack on them and lets get out of here.”

What happens when the first armed teacher gets a little too lax and one of the students takes THEIR gun? Who do we blame when the shooter is using a gun provided by a teacher, willingly or otherwise??

Fox News bringing on two black female political commentators to weigh in on a white man eating fried chicken? Yeah, that seems kinda racist.

I guess I’m the only one who thought the line sounded more like a rip on the “I’m Batman” thing than him repeating a line from his first movie? Maybe I’m just biased because I like DC better than Marvel (The comics, duh... even I can admit the movies mostly suck)

They still probably won’t bother to impeach Trump.

“adding that the game’s he’s running on the Switch are all ROMs he owns original copies of and aren’t pirated.”

Andrew Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist who subsequently lost his license and whose paper on the subject was retracted.

Here’s one you missed, primarily for upgrading your computer and reusing parts (especially the case):

When removing the screws from the motherboard, make sure you can account for every single screw that was in the case. If any fall out into the case, go out of your way to find it.

Game developers getting 18% more of your money is a huge benefit to the customer: The game developer can invest more in the games you love, and has less incentive to depend on trashy DLC models.

Whatever the case: Eun-Soo sought medical attention, still competed, and, according to the Washington Post, earned “a personal-best 72.91 points and placing fifth, just ahead of Bell’s 71.26.” She won!