
@ortizlgnd4: People have to understand that comparisons between an NOW available product vs. a it-will-be-released-late-of-this-year one aren't fair. Every device that comes out at last will be faster than the ones that came earlier. Hardware is not a factor anymore, it will be upgraded always in time. No matter when

@brijazz: Because it was a PC. It HAVE to make no sense, only the PC's have a mouse in a touchscreen-enabled device.

@IowaState11: The desicion to use an Atomic Bomb does not need a justification. One country use it or not. And the time will judge it.

@zibzer: USA don't drop the bombs to save Japanese people. They droped because thay want to test it. They wanted to see it in action.

@acemannw: I hope you can say this: "In the long run more lives were saved by those two nuclear strikes then if they had never happened." again when another madman vaporize NY or San Fransico with a H-Bomb.

USA will someday pay for what they cause dropping those A-Bombs...

@Jay Chen: Thta's right. Just Blah, blah, blah crap about iPhone 4 Giz Vendetta. This used to be a greate feed.

Now, THIS IS A BUMPER!!! Nice.

@krownd: Maybe you only one of the COUNTED users who has no problems. You know, because the ones with problems are COUNTLESS!!! (sic).

@ilovetofu: And with the sales of the iPhone 4 so far and the lines of people waiting to get one, we can be sure they are more than pleased.

@HotSoup: If he needs his iPhone to enjoy his family, he is in more trouble than he thinks. If for him, and his happines in life, needs a movil phone i suggest him to buy another one and return the iPhone 4.

Countless tests? Countless users? These are the kind of statements that make me think sorry for the credibility of Jesus Diaz. If there are Countless Tests of the problem, please post the firts 1,000 of them to review them don't worry for discard the rest.

@WingedGenius: Huh! yeah maybe with the next 2 or 3 million iPhones sold in the next months, I guess.

@GadgetGuy247: That is exactly what i don't understand, why to whine, whine and whine for the god damn phone. If you bought it and you don't like it, return it. Period. Some people like to complicate their lives.

@CarbonatedFalcon: No, the emotional damages were just for Gizmodo editors.

@Travis Gohr: Yeah! you are going to get your own bumper for free in 2 or 3 years. Or if you're lucky a full refund. BTW, you can ask for a full refund now.

@Gigglebox: I think this has more to do with the problem with the iPhone 4 prototype than any other thing.

@fx57: Yes, Gizmodo try to played the smart ass with a secret iPhone 4 prototype, they bought it illegally and made it public and Apple sued them. Now they are trying to play the victim's role here. All the news they push about Apple are just Trolling.