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    @Andy Pham: I am you, without the bike.

    @Myklsan: Willow the puns ever end?

    @einalex: Or mirrors most likely, in this case.

    @blehbleh13: Indeed. "...use the QWERTY keyboard and tap out the title."

    Great, Remote 2.0 STILL doesn't work for me - I could never get version 1 to work.

    @Jon: That kid will be lucky to ever be able to tell the story. If I'm not mistaken, ridiculously premature babies like this typically end up with physical/mental handicapping conditions.

    @senseistudios: Most fun to speculate, but certainly not most probable.

    @Loonm: Also, a French press arguably gives the best coffee, and they're cheap. There are no excuses. Boiling water takes the same effort whether you're making tea or coffee.

    This is simply a glider, with wings that happen to flail aimlessly.

    @.Trenchant.: Some people don't want all of their accessories to scream "Steal my expensive camera gear, please!"

    @lostman223: Erm... The people in the Forbes 400 are essentially in the top 0.01%.

    @kkozinski: Right, because everyone on the planet lives in America.

    @worthless_cos: Exactly what it looks like in Montgomery, Texas. More Chargers than Crown Vics.

    Wait, I'm confused. I've been previewing linked webpages, photos, and videos on my iPhone since day 1, and all of the Twitter apps can do it.

    @A.Jaswal: This isn't about being versed in physics, and I never said I knew anything at all about physics.

    @Nitesh Singh: The beam is NOT just a single proton. You clearly didn't watch the video, sir.