aren't mentioned ;-)
aren't mentioned ;-)
'and put it our' 'should be 'and put it out'
Just because the majority agree doesn't make it fact my friend. His apparent words and life are all second hand accounts. As for the anti christian rhetoric. So what? Get over it. Religion shouldn't have a protective wall around it anymore. I will mock anyone who thinks that putting your hands together and speaking…
He didnt?
Yes thats it, you clearly know everything about my knowledge of history. Excellent report
and there are magical sky beings that control things but dont. Who'd a thunk eh?
Yep it was them damn chem trails that did it, when the trail hit water it formed an iceberg just big enough to make a good sized dent in the side of the ship.
Pah, amateurs ;-)
I dont think it was supposed to read as 'which costs tens of millions of dollars to go down', more 'No word on what caused the plane, which costs tens of millions of dollars, to go down'
Lets see, thats 0.013%. I reckon thats pretty damn low, don't you?
Why yes thats right, they did.
$125 for 300mb is still a bloody stupid price to pay regardless if read or not.
You're not kidding and the verizon staff were so nonchalant about it too. Ive posted the link on some sites I go on just because I am really astounded at this lol
Competitively priced? What planet did they come from. Thats atrocious, I wasn't sure if you had missed a '.' there. Sheesh
No, I dont think you're a heartless bastard, maybe an agitated git but thats about it. However, I think you need to look at the correlation between the amount of people that carry mobile/cellular phones in car vs those who are unable to refrain from eating/drinking, especially while driving (commonly known as fat…
*awaits photoshop merchants*
The good thing is they can only be worn by beautiful people, Google knows!!!
Divvy is slang in the North of England for an idiot. ;-)
Yeh I really cannot respect anyone who is a member of a group that hides these people who destroy innocent lives, full stop. You hit the nail on the head though. Why dont they get together and do that? Puzzling
Well shit, I completely forgot that function is there. Thanks for that []