
I have olive skin and tan quite easily however when in the Med (am from England) I will always use the highest factor and only go in the sun 30 mins a time to start with and never between 10am to 2pm when its at its highest. This way I stay away from getting sun burnt and also get a longer lasting tan with zero peel

Shit, I've just had a 330ml bottle of it. Noooooooooooooooooooo. I knew it was evil

Just checked my bottle of Tropicana 36.3mg of sugar per 330ml (bottle) which also states 'Naturally found in juice'

A quick debate round the office points out that people would indeed go for the SPF factor. The higher the factor the longer one can spend in the sun is the general consensus. So, ANYONE has answered, least here they have.

RGB type numbers

Am I the only one who actually likes the timeline feature?

Nexus S here too on Peter Alfonso ROM.

Yeh it doesnt surprise me. I have seen quite a few HDTVs that are only hooked up to standard def. My local supermarket has all theirs hooked up with Scart. Very retro.

The more expensive it is, more of the better quality 1's and 0's get through.

No lag at all on my LCD (vs LED)

You forgot to also include the point that it must exceed £90/$90 for it to be worthy of a great picture.

I have spent the past year using a 42" LCD as my monitor and not had any fuzzy text nor colour issues (came from a 22" LED) and before that a 105" 720p projector I used to use for my day to day PC stuff.

I tend not to go with shop display models when deciding on tv. If they are not properly calibrated (which the majority aren't) then one picture vs another doesnt do it for me at all. Plus if the shop is wanting to sell one particular make for what ever reason they can make the picture look better than others so you

Hmm, it didnt with me, had version 16.0.something.other.another.number. Maybe because Im in England is not gone through the update yet. Done now though.

Ah ok thanks. Downloaded it on the 6 as waterfox decided to derp. I am guessing I need to re-download to get the update?

Ok, in the link where am I clicking to download. Been staring at excel spreadsheets all day and my eyes are knackered. Thanks

We know how pooping goes. ;-)

No need to apologise. One mans Roseanne Barr is another mans Pamela Anderson

I think it works fine on a nes type pad. Sure, an N64 pad is going to be a nightmare on a flat screen but thats a given

Or save money and use this? Maybe ;-)