Leaves me a little cold I'm afraid. I almost can't believe I wrote that about a car with a helicopter engine, but there you go.
Leaves me a little cold I'm afraid. I almost can't believe I wrote that about a car with a helicopter engine, but there you go.
Real petrolheads will let themselves be restricted by this bullshit.
He might be genuine. Shit like this always amazes me on eBay - the guy's looking to make ~70 grand on the sale but can't be bothered to upload photos or write a half way decent auction description.
Er, no. On the days where I'm thinking 'I want a little luxury today' I'd drive this over the Royale? I think not. It might be good enough luxury for the random rich but not good enough for the fatasy garage.
No. It doesn't fit in with what Ferrari 'do' in my head.
It's impressive, but it's no 12V pizza oven:
We need definitely need some kind of crazy, rules relaxed, racing. Should be a question of the day - what would your ideal motor racing formats ground rules be?
Eh? Are red lights somehow different in the USA? Here, you run a red light, you're an asshole endangering others. There's no reason to do it unless you feel that you're too good to wait.
Oh and I'd add my support to the Jag XJ but only if can get the Lister tuned edition with the wider chassis and the 7 litre V12
TVR Speed 12
Ever since he punched Piers Morgan I knew Clarkson was awesome. On the theme of people without the skills to back up their mouth...
It's damn pretty and I suppose it makes it in. Even if it's a bit wussy as supercars go.
Nice writeup. It's good to see an R8 review from 'one of us' if you know what I mean. More car write ups from Murilee please!
Someone had a particularly obnoxious alarm in the street where I used to live. One time they left it switched on and went on hoilday for a week. The car was parked next to a builders skip from a house that was being renovated which was full of bricks, plaster etc. One night (~4am) I was woken again by the alarm,…
To the guy complaining about '944' as an everyday option... I bought one and ran it as an everyday car for 6 months. If you buy the parts from Porsche if it's expensive (duh!) but not if you get them from a breaker/eBay.
Best I've owned was probably the 944 although (if you don't need space) the mark 1 MR2 is pretty damn close. The much touted MX5 just didn't feel fast enough for me. Any 7 copy is great if you don't mind a few rough edges to your motoring.
Can I have an F1 with a Veyron engine? Truth be told I'd much rather have the F40 (LM version if I can be choosy) over both...
As always, he's an idiot but he's funny.
Another vote from me for the GT-R. It's practically a real life KITT and it'll look badass in black with the red flashy thingy.