
I don't see the option either on the Mac. I'm guessing we don't have this option.

I have decided to star all the SPAM messages until there's a way to report them :).

I have decided to star all the SPAM messages until there's a way to report them :).

doesn't count if you work for the company lol.

yes, yes it is.

The best way to get discounts on a cruise is to have a friend that works for a cruise line. They usually have discounts/upgrades for friends and families.

that was my favorite! Awesome views and best time I ever had in a cruise :).

I have been to 4 (awesome) cruises... technically 3... I worked on the first one and I never saw anyone vomiting or any issues with "fecal matter" lol. It does happen obviously but the same thing happens in any local restaurant, just in a smaller scale.

so... buy 100 shares worth $40.33 totaling $4033 to get a discount of $250... yeah... that makes sense if I went on 17+ cruises a year or if you are into the stock market I guess lol.

Booo! I want my username to be a really long number that no one will ever remember. Here's mine 655657421544558456456566. Add me! Let's play the same game you played in the Super Nintendo years ago but on the Wii U, because you know... the feels.

or incognito mode...

Actually I did last week and it caused my phone to get stuck in Set up mode loop. I had to run it twice in order to make my phone work again but just giving you a heads up :).

yay less privacy!

good, I've been looking for something like this. My phone keeps crashing every now and then and I've already uninstalled everything on Cydia. Let'see see if this helps.

use a utility to get the photos back... duh!

this is for iPhone/iPods correct? I remember being able to do this just fine with my iPad unless something changed :|.

A win for consumers? Yeah right. A win for their pockets. They know most people have at least two more more TVs in their house and that's a fee they want to collect. Also, the basic box they give you doesn't give you HD so of course if you have an HDTV you will be watching crap.

wait I'm confused... how did they know what he was doing in the private booth?

lol this made my day