
Republicans get angry.

So basically...

I went to a party with moms and kids tonight (woo) and a two year old girl was hitting her head against the wall, and I looked at her mom and said, “I do the same thing every time I read the news.”

No, success for Trump means gutted worker protections, gutting the social safety net for families and the elderly, gutting environmental protections, and aping a strong man act internationally to get us into expensive military quagmires that benefit wealthy investor donors. We do nit wish success for trump because he

And as dispassionately as I can muster, you’re a fucking idiot. Trump is about to appoint the brain-dead, anti-gay, anti-welfare loon Ben Carson to HUD, overseeing tens of millions of people in public housing, and he’s not even the worst of it. Absolute lunatics are taking control of the federal government, millions

Of course there was no alternative candidate who would have tried to close the wage gap and protect Medicare and SS.

No one is going to agree 100% or be able to do everything.! and to act like the acts of both sides are the same is ridiculous. Support the one who will push things that most align with your beliefs. To sit or or protest votes ends up with shit like we got with Trump.

President-elect ConDon caters to the stupid.

I ain’t mad. I have said it before, I will no doubt say it approximately ten million times in the next (hopefully) four years but I will be damned if I will go gracefully into a Trump administration. Anything big or small or in between that discomfits that fascist fuck is fine by me. And that includes Jill Stein.

It’s beating a dead horse, but I don’t care. Where the hell was this shit before the election? The NYT, Newsweek, WaPo, etc did some damn good election reporting, and every major outlet ignoresd it just like they will likely ignore this. Why? Because they don’t want to face the suicide of having press credentials

Jewish people have been warning everyone about this for the last decade, and literally nobody listened. This shit has been happening across Europe out in the open for quite some time. Now it’s out in the open here, too. But everyone just wanted to stick their fingers in their ears and tell Jews that our problems

people will stop buying Kanye’s music the day women stop buying Chris Brown’s music.


On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

I don’t think they got it wrong. I’m all aboard the conspiracy train. If the GOP can believe unsubstantiated nonsense so can I.

Seeing as how he’s a political operative, is it possible that he’s inviting a liberal pile-on on purpose? Who do inconsequential culture war stories such as this ultimately benefit? I think Trump.

This reminds me of one of Julia Sugarbaker’s amazing speeches on Designing Women:

the majority of Americans who voted for someone else don’t deserve this shit

I don’t know what you think you did, but me and mine don’t deserve any of this. And neither did those who threw away their votes in protest, even if they don’t realize it yet. Make it right in 2018 y’all. Quick question to all of us professionals and business owners: what are you going to do with your inevitable

I set up so many recurring contributions this week. On the one hand it sucks to feel like I have to re-budget because the country fucked up, on the other hand, I will NEVER have taken more delete in all the sweet, sweet, charitable tax deductions.

I have been screaming myself hoarse at family and strangers who think a Presidential election, particularly this one, is ONLY about who sleeps in the West Wing.