
No proof, occurred sixteen years ago apparently, and not a word since. That’s all I need to know!

Dragon Quest is the dragon best, brother!

So...7 of the 22 are male but it’s somehow sexism? I mean the argument that the seeding is BS is fine but I’m not sure sexism has anything to do with it. And then race is brought up out of nowhere with apparently no reason and is never elaborated on. This article is just all over the place.

It could be you’re missing the obvious thing here in that the Switch can’t run RE7.

Recent Dragon Quest games don’t stay first person. VIII, IX, and VII RE all show characters on the battlefield and all that.

Bro, you live with a lot of angst.

It’s really not complicated, bro. She’s there to do vocals only because people tend to enjoy vocals instead of just instrumentals. Her being there singing takes nothing away from the pretty awesome stuff you can do with Labo. In fact it just highlights how creative you can be. And sure, celebrity status doesn’t hurt.

“It’s no longer enough for AAA video games to have sleek graphics, hours upon hours of playable content, and innovative game mechanics. They also need top-notch voice acting, cinematic cutscenes featuring real actors performing in motion-capture suits, and a compelling story with all sorts of character development

Forbidden fruit syndrome. Tell someone they can’t do/say something enough times and they’ll want it no matter how irrational it is.

The angst here is incredible.

Innocent until proven guilty is all I can say. That’s a core tenet of the American justice system.

Literally millions still watch The Simpsons. Duh.

Did you really expect megatons this close to E3? Additionally third party support is great news.

THIS is what quantifies the decline of western civilization? THIS? Not the numerous and far more significant issues? Interesting.

I don’t believe my post indicated anything about this being the only time. But this wasn’t just white people anyway so it’s a moot point.

I feel you’re adding a whole lot of qualifiers to make your point here.

I think people use “novel” and “book” interchangeably so in casual context I think if you were to refer to comics as a “book” would confuse most people. Yes, they’re all books, but I think think it would be more apt to say they’re all literature.

What does he have to prove? I mean how does one prove they’ll never cheat again? I suppose by not actually doing it, but that’s not something that you can really “prove.”

That’s hypothetical and not necessarily true. There are also other factors to be considered. I don’t think anyone is lauding him for cheating on his wife. Instead they’re more excited that he’s back.