
Okay so you’re just not worth responding to seriously if you still think that’s what I’m saying. Have a nice day.

So you say they should shift focus away from a dedicated following (which seems like a safe assumption considering the prominence) to try and cater to a potential audience? I don’t really see the point. In Japanese animation (just like in manga) there is a diverse pool of material that caters to everyone. I don’t

Could you please show me anywhere in my post that indicated such a radical viewpoint? It seems like you’re making an assumption here. What I asked was what is the goal of the conversation? What is the goal in pointing out something that consumers of the medium are already familiar with? I’m simply engaging in the

What is the endgame of discussing it though? What is the purpose of the discussion? I would say most people familiar with anime already know that fanservice culture is fairly prominent.

If you don’t like it you don’t have to watch it. But to say it doesn’t need to exist? That’s a bit of a stretch. If there is an audience for it then let them enjoy what they enjoy. I don’t particularly like this sort of thing myself. In fact fanservice stuff usually turns me off to an anime, but I do respect that

I just don’t get why they’re rehashing this feud when their last match got royally shat on.

So the last anime shows I got into were K-On, Clannad, Nagi no Asukara, Angel Beats, and Anohana. I have a bit of a love for the sad romance animes so I was wondering if there have been any recently that people would suggest?

Yeah people always feel that way about people they don’t like whether it’s Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian and it boggles my mind, too.

Well he may not have kissed but he sure did shag.

Oh my god, why did you have to write about this? Instant buy. I’ve been playing card games since I was 8 years old. Although I haven’t been as active the past few years. But now? I’m back in!

In Japan maybe. Yokai Watch will never touch Pokemon globally.

Don’t like it, don’t read it. Nobody’s catering to you, little lad.

Wind Waker got a lot of backlash originally and look how that turned out

Some of these are a little humorous. But I know the answer to some of them mostly from doing research for a trip i never did.

Once again Sega does what Nintendon’t by letting fan games exist.

How evil.

You don’t notice the way the other LSU players are just standing around?

Well I’ll add this to the list of articles I really shouldn’t have read!

That’s not at all what he’s doing. But a lot of issues aren’t necessarily “real” to people unless they connect them with their own personal life by imagining them or actually going through it. And the reason is we care more for the people in our lives so when we imagine them suffering things like this it’s likely to

Yes but in all fairness men don’t have to fear being raped. Speaking as a man it’s not a fear that I’ve ever had.