Those can’t be tournament legal.
Those can’t be tournament legal.
Because starting space is always nice? If it was the same price why buy an 8GB over a 16GB?
Apple and Android also don’t really have competition. Secondly, Android is on a lot of a devices. I strongly do feel that the fact Microsoft is a western company hurts its success in Japan. Because let’s face it, Japanese people do have something of a reputation for racism.
I might have to get into collecting transformers again >>
Why so?
That’s why petitions exist in the first place, son. Secondly, I doubt anyone who has signed that petition expects the game to literally be canceled. It’s just another way to display their discontent. Along with the over 30,000 dislikes on their trailer video on youtube. But your opinion obviously isn’t going to…
Yeah damn those people for expressing their discontent! DAMN THEM! It’s funny you namecall them like an asshole just because they have a different way of expressing themselves.
Suddenly I love Square-Enix again.
Make it a tag team match, playa!
Sorry ‘bout that, mate! Couldn’t help myself!
Can we do this for a Skies of Arcadia sequel, now? :)
I knew that trailer felt rushed. Reused assets AND music from Advent Children by the looks of it. Guess I don’t need to rush to get a PS4 afterall. >>
The difference is your character from Morrowind didn’t carry through three games.
If you’re tired of sequels, don’t buy them. It’s really that simple. But other people do. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
Tales of Symphonia was the best one in my opinion.
FUCK YEAH! Been hoping for the announcement of Bravely Second. Time to get in that preorder.
To be fair I’ve always heard the terminology be handheld for handheld consoles and mobile for phone gaming.