
is it time to protest?

I'm playing through that myself. Really is an awesome game. Killing those metal medleys sure is a pain in the butt!

Uh you should probably research before speaking. >>

You should use "shocked" not electrocuted as electrocuted implies someone died. Hence, Electric + executed = electrocuted. A lot of people use this word wrong.

Well, even if you only look at single platform versions they still outsell Liberation except for the Wii U version. Also, I only used metacritic scores and sales data because it was relevant. Also Liberation is available on 360 and PS3 now.

Well, overall population is irrelevant to this topic. But yes there is a large minority of gamers that are female. Also, you're making some assumptions with your post. First of all, a female dominated gaming world does not bother me. I usually play as female characters when given the opportunity anyway.

The question I would respond with would be, why does there have to be more of either gender? Sort of argues against the point if the goal is to tip the balance in the other side rather than making it equal.

But Kotaku would surely ignore this. I mean they've made their bias pretty obvious for awhile now.


Yeah but companies have always bragged about ratings. This isn't anything new. It's kind of pathetic that this is even an article.

No, it's not time. They can't even get a solid foundation for movies starring Peter Parker yet. I actually like Miles Morales from the comics I've read featuring him. He seems like a cool kid, but they need to build a consistent Marvel universe with Peter Parker before they venture out into making one with Miles.

Nope, because they're dead.

Um, could you point me to a source where it says they're children?

He doesn't necessarily have a problem with it. I think he's pointing out the hypocrisy some gamers display when talking about video games. "ERMAHGERD THAT GAME HAS SEXUALIZED WOMEN! HOW EVIL! WELP, TIME TO GO BACK TO GRAPHICALLY VIOLENT GAME X!" Which is not really an exaggeration. I've seen people like this. Of

Instead of requesting a smaller New 3DS, why not ask for bigger faceplates? I imagine Nintendo didn't bring the smaller one here because most people will likely go for the bigger one anyway.

Yay yet another anti-GamerGate post from Kotaku

I'm not really a fan of Monster Hunter, but I am admittedly a Final Fantasy fanboy so I'll give this a look if it comes out.

Well after how long it took Type-0 to get here....

Couldn't have said it better myself. Bravo.