
The great thing is using this feature is up to you. If you want to make it more difficult for yourself, you have that option! This literally doesn't affect your experience it all but makes it more accessible. It's like Burger King where you can have it your way™

2 characters in Brawl that weren't owned by Nintendo. How big was the roster? Exactly.

Holy sheet. :O

Contrarian Man to the rescue!

This is so stupid. Not because it's a crime, but because PSPs are dirt cheap these days.

I'll be honest, I haven't played the the first one in this trilogy, but I'll gladly buy this game when it comes out simply to help support JRPGs.

Yeah, his opinion is so wrong! How could anyone have such a factually wrong opinion?!

What I find funny is that it was everyone else who automatically assumed it was because she was Asian that he made the joke. Heck nothing in the original "joke" implied that it was a racial joke to begin with. Again, it was everyone else that took it in that context.

I grew up with the Genesis games and I greatly enjoyed the Adventure games.

So we complain about the sexualization in video games and then also complain about how boob physics aren't very realistic. Seems legit

Coming from someone with the screen name Cookie Monster. lol


Musicians, artists, sports athletes, race car drivers, ect. You can pretty much do this in any field. It's harder in some cases, but wholly possible.

It doesn't mean Nintendo would have to give up. Their place in handheld gaming is pretty solid. Now as for Sony, that's probable if the Vita is any indication. Now as for cost, I believe that's simply a case of the phone app culture and the fact that people don't treat Android or iOS devices with much respect. The

More people own the iPhone than a 3DS or Vita combined. It's only a matter of time before developers jump onto the platform. We're already starting to see it as it is. And I don't get why people discredit phones. They're becoming a viable platform.

Nagi no Asukara has been really good so far. :D

Could you do it with the same quality as him? Unlikely. People love to downplay the talents other people have by saying they can do it, but give some pitiful excuse as to why they won't when they really can't.

I'm gonna back you up here and agree that a lot of the criticism that CoD gets is ridiculous. It's an annualized title because people will pay for it and they obviously want the games. It's no different from sports games that get pumped out annually except for the fact that sports titles have been doing it a lot

If it's not for you, it's not for you. The series has a lot of fans that want more games. Deal with it, son.