
Maybe you need to educate yourself on the difference between singular and plural. When referring to the continents separately, you say North America or South America. When you refer to them both, it's called the AmericaS. There is no single landmass simply called America. There is a country commonly referred to as

United States of America. Also, there is no continent named America. There is North America and South America but no America. Secondly, whether it fits the traditional usage of theft or not, piracy is still wrong.

More at 11.

And yet you ignore the obvious difference. Final Fantasy VII isn't in the public domain. If it was, then sure, people can do whatever they want. Nice try though.

Yeah as a huge fan of Chris Benoit (in terms of wrestling) as I am, what he did will forever taint his legacy. It's a damn shame too. The man was one of the finest technical wrestlers ever.

The fact is, he's still selling something that he didn't create. Therefore, he shouldn't do it. It's honestly that simple.

Moral question? It's morally right to sell something based on the IP of other people, but it's not morally right for said people to protect their IP? How does that make sense?

This is bullshit. Square Enix has every right in the world to protect their IP.

Wait, people act infantile on the internet? NO WAY!

Except I know many people (some within my own family) who would gladly pirate a video game that costs 10 bucks on PSN. There are some people who pirate because they can't pay for a game. But there are equally some who just pirate because they can. And I believe that number is a lot higher than you might think.

It's pointless to try and argue with piracy apologists. People will come up with any excuse in the world to pirate a game.

No, no, it's fine. It was back in like season 1 or 2. It's understandable.

Didn't the Pokemon cartoon explain Kangaskhan already? Even though it didn't battle, per se, they said it was legal to be with the bigger one, so that means it would be perfectly legal for it to attack.

If you say so. :)

Which is an understandable complaint. But people sexualize everything. And it's only a small portion who do.

You're right. It makes sense to talk about something completely unrelated in an article about a video game. That's what I've been talking about this whole time. And actually, my points are relevant. You said homage doesn't excuse offensive material.

I stand corrected then. And I'll just leave it at that.

You can't request follow up shipments or larger shipments due to not having enough supply? Not necessarily you, but the store. It seems like IDW would be more than happy to give more if your store keeps running out. That's all I'm saying. It's supply and demand.

I find obsessive behavior to be a little weird no matter what it is. And I will not apologize for "creeping you out" because if me watching a cartoon creeps you out, you creep me out.

Liking something =/= obsessing over it. Just to make that clear. Also to make another thing clear, there will always be people who will obsess over anything.