
I’m honestly all-in for this, if they do it right. Hard seltzer isn’t tasty enough (imo) to take me away from beer, but if Four Loko has found away to make their 14% poison taste “clean” enough to work like a harder White Claw, that’s a pretty nice space to occupy.

My biggest complaint about the current Democratic lineup is that too many are jumping the gun. O’Rourke and many others may very well be viable candidates in another decade or two, once they have proven themselves and gained more experience in elective office. They are not there yet.

Evelyn, I'm not coming home tonight...

Side note - perhaps you guys could use your platform to start highlighting some Democratic Senate challengers?

I mean...people aren’t wrong for asking him to drop out (because jesus fucking christ the Senate) but he’s not wrong for for being irritated about it either. Considering the pool running right now, I think he’s definitely seeing some other people who are far less likely to be president than him.

I think this is true of many of the candidates from battleground states. I think they’re waiting for a ‘Howard Dean’ moment from the front runners (which was the result of a high sensitivity mic and was drowned out by the crowd) to see if they can step in.

The Houston Chronicle is 100% correct. O’Rourke definitely gets closer to Obama-esque than basically any other candidate when it comes to consoling people, but consoler-in-chief is not ever going to be a Presidential primary or election driver.

It’s part of the problem of having the first primary/caucus in Iowa. A place so sparsely populated that they practically have to meet every single Iowan in person and participate in their silly rituals. Also, I kind of resent that a political party that is very much diverse ethnically; is giving an almost all white

This is truly an incredible picture. 

That’s actually better than what we normally get from those people.


was watching MSNBC and one of the hosts said to the reporter there that he was “surprised Sanders didn’t do better with the kernel vote. Get it? Kernel Sanders? Colonel Sanders?

At least Gillibrand isn’t eating vanilla ice cream, though she may as well be. ANY politician who eats a corn dog near a camera is nuts. I’m kinda sad that you didn’t include a photo of John Delaney enjoying the giant slide. Whee!

The best part about the Iowa State Fair (from an Iowa resident) is the “cast your kernel” voting system.  Folks are given a kernel to put into their preferred candidates jar.  Faux democracy at its best.

Its just such a silly and embarrassingly obvious political spectacle. I hate that this artifice is a part of politics. And I’m not talking about any ‘good ol’ days’ because politicians have literally always done this kind of pandering silliness and a certain segment of the populace laps it up like eating a corn dog at

Im not even a Falcons fan! But as a good decent ethical human being, i despise the Patriots much like the Avengers despise Thanos. And seeing them get curbstomped like that was pure literal ecstasy.

You forgot to log in with your Pedantic Wrestling Facts kinja account.

Now playing

A lil visual reference to confirm your accurate and wonderfully sarcastic pedantry sir.

Bixenspan just turned in his resignation letter after seeing this shit.

Okay, chuckle boy, I’ve enjoyed these but I think we need to keep some level of accuracy and accountability in journalism. Floyd did NOT “superplex” (as you say) Danny Amendola. A superplex, is a suplex off the top rope (and would thus be impossible in the NFL). If anything, Floyd did some variation of a gutwrench