
Replace them with lead soldiers that my grandparents got in their Cracker Jack boxes.

He also forced himself to eat way past the point of fullness. It really was not what he was eating nearly as much as how much he was eating. He required himself to accept the supersizing any time it was offered. As I said above, you would have just as much weight gain if you went to my mom’s or my MIL’s house for 30

I hated that movie so much- he had to supersize his meal if they suggested it, even if he wasn’t very hungry. What a revelation that forcing yourself to eat far beyond the point of fullness for 90 meals in a row will result in weight gain and feeling like shit. I guarantee you would gain even more weight and feel

YES. That would be a perfect addition to the lineup and I can practically taste its greasy awesomeness as I type this.

But “popular” documentaries don’t exist to serve that purpose. They are there to have some level of entertainment value while either only serving up half of the narrative or to focus on things everyone already know or feel.

Which doctor is going to fake medical results for this movie?

I dunno.

The first movie also had the problem that the severe changes his body went through during his 30 day McDonald’s diet were also at least partially due to just simply shocking his system. He did not eat fast food at all before the experiment, and if I recall correctly, was vegan or very close to it.

YES!! We need CONTENT CREATORS to tell us how to think, dummy!!

Which brings up a good point. Are all these people who are obsessing over every detail of their diet mentally healthy? Probably not.  I think it’s a form of eating disorder.

That film was such fucking garbage. Very difficult to watch for someone with an IQ over 5. Maybe after this he’ll do a very smart and informative documentary that explains to us morons how eating a quart of ice cream for every meal is bad for us.

My favorite part was when he said fast food killed his sex drive.

They’re tremendously healthy. I eat them and my mental health improves markedly.

Spurlock, Moore, and others like them are the most insidious form of asshole:

Was Super Size Me really a revelation to anyone with a functioning brain? I admittedly only made it to the part of the movie when he was on his (maybe?) second McDonalds meal of the day and felt so rotten he vomited out of the window of his car, but do we really need a Hollywood production to tell us that eating

He’s a gozo filmmaker not some kind of scienceificator.

does he call the restaurant Chick-fil-B or nah

That just looks so fucking boring.

banning toys in happy meals #JustLiberalThings

When will the world learn that change.org is worthless?