
The alternative being that you stuff their hate away in a box to never be looked at? I don’t know, but from what I’m gathering is that there’s been a lot of ‘ignoring the problem’ going on the past few years, and personally, I don’t really want to go back to that.

LOL because all of his interactions that have any diversity are wrought with conflict because it’s HIM. It’s like that person you know and all their exes are “psychos” and you’re like....aren’t you the common denominator here?

His avatar image is from 15 years ago, he probably just wants to mask what he actually looks now, with the low resolution background image.

You can be positive that Xi Jinping, Shinzo Abe and numerous other leaders will be coached by the best profilers money can buy, before they sit down with the President of the United States. They’ll have a detailed psych profile of Trump worked up and kept up to date. They probably hold some mock negotiations with

Trump is easier to play than a fiddle.

“I’m trying to look at some positives here.” Why? What is the point of trying to look for a silver lining in a tragedy like this the moment after it happens?

If I ever get cornered by a gun-toting lunatic in a public area, I’m gonna make sure to yell “HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!” as loud as possible.

I don’t get your point, Sanders wasn’t the nominee. We got Donald Trump because enough people were willing to buy into the Hillary Clinton is a corrupt elite witch demon narrative that they either didn’t vote for her or were willing to vote for an incompetent racist.

If these Left voters or really any voters needed to be “energized” to vote against Trump they sound like pretty shitty people. You shouldn’t need the world’s greatest candidate as an alternative not to vote for Tango.

So Papa John’s is more adept at condemning racists than the President of The United States.

But only one of them has crusts stuffed with disgust- nevermind.

I thought the alt-right already had an official greasy, orange pile of garbage that makes your stomach cramp just by looking at it

If that’s the case, someone should really let Papa John know that. His racist, dog whistle comments about protesters are the reason the Alt-Right jumped on board with his brand.

The news should be there’s a man who streams picking up trash on Twitch.

I can’t decide if I’m disappointed or pleased that they haven’t (yet) resorted to Trump’s all-caps, triple-exclamation-point writing style.

But did anyone report the badly disguised alien with leathery orange skin and tiny baby like hands that’s currently hiding in the White House?

I just called the ICE number to fuck with those un-American pissants, and was informed by recorded message that all lines are down.

How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?

If I was American, I’d be calling to report that ICE was asking for my documents outside a courthouse.

Thank you Rafi Schwartz for being so durn dilligent as to actually question a government agency as to their ‘prank-i-ness’. I must also repeat (herein) your most-excellent final statement...so: