Hadrian's Dad

Just once....just once I want one of these fatuous interviewers to Trump Ol’ Kellyanne, and not let her constantly deflect and turn it onto the Democrats. Just shout “WRONG!” in the middle of her diatribe and get her off balance a bit. Or just start yelling “YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!”.

No. I blame them all. All of them are idiots.

The angry conservative rarely dies young. Haffy V. Jaffa, the conservative scholar and father of the West Coast Straussians (he also wrote the most infamous lines of Goldwater’s ‘64 convention speech) derailed his career in the early ‘90s by refusing to stop writing and speaking about how “sodomites” were against the

What I want to know is who advertises/funds Alex Jones? Regardless of how “out there” he is, he’s still a capitalist and the only way to really get at him and his ilk is to threaten his sponsors and their businesses with boycotts.