
I would guess that now that school is over for the year, most of those female swimmers are away from campus and feel like they can speak more freely without the danger of being reprimanded by the school

Not the least bit surprised that others found him creepy. I wonder why it didn’t come out before now—like around the time he was convicted and maybe sentenced, but it’s obvious that this is a guy who enjoys humiliating and debasing women.

Well, what is it you think they should have done? Being creepy is not a crime and there are creepy dudes everywhere. You warn other women and keep it moving. No one could have followed him around at all times to keep him from raping this woman. No one could have predicted exactly what he was gonna do and when. Only

‘I can see your tits in that swimsuit,’

Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.

Instead of the draft, I wonder what the politicians and voting public would think about a national service program, similar to the various countries around the world? National service for two years, for everyone regardless of socio-economics, race, creed or sexual orientation. To work locally and beyond on federal

Which is why we need to immediately remove men from all powerful positions. Clearly they are too fragile to handle the responsibility.

Hang on, so the fact there was a rape survivor on the jury somehow invalidates the entire jury’s verdict?

trying to imagine what kind of life that kid led that made him decide that being the super-creep version of boo radley (now comes with sex!) was a good option.

Fun living in a country flooded with guns because insecure boys like deadly toys.

Could’ve been her ex:

Year round Nantucket residents are nothing at all like the wealthy folks who merely summer there. It can get pretty desolate in off season without a lot of employment opportunity.

Everyone I’ve ever met dislikes Trainor’s music; literally, everyone. How in the fuck is she really this popular? Must explain Trump, too.

Agreed. It’s gotten ridiculous. To quote someone I know on tumblr when discussing women bashing other women for liking popular or feminine things:

I fucking hate the way that the “white girl” meme has morphed from a tool for women of color to talk about white women’s complicity in white supremacist systems into a way for people to spew gross misogyny under the guise of calling out racial privilege.

Wake me up when someone wants to actually do something about the fact that this world is run by entitled white men, and all of the rest of us solely exist to make it as palatable for them as possible.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

If you love Michelle, I wouldn’t wish a third term as FLOTUS in her. It’s a bullshit, antiquated and thankless position, and I’m sure she’s so ready to go back to having a life where she can make her own choices about her life and career (or lack there of should she decide not to go back to work).

If the world cared about female sexual pleasure it wouldn’t be so hostile toward it. Female sex toys were literally illegal in many US states for decades, and the only reason these laws were invalidated was by Supreme Court order. (In 2003!). And restrictions on their sale still exist all over the place. In Alabama

Actually she’s meaning you failed in your studies, not your GF.