
And yet the police found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Depp when they showed up. Heard then posted pics DAYS later. Looks suspicious on her part, unless you’re claiming the police left when she had obvious facial contusions

And isn’t Doug Stanhope a prolific piece of shit? Like a huge misogynist who called Sarah Palin’s toddler a re***d? Fuck this fucking guy, for real.

Seriously, who the fuck is taking this junkie’s word for *anything*? He’s friends with Anthony Cumia for Christ’s sake. He’s a misogynist piece of shit. He’s been drinking heavily for so long his brain is fucking pickled. He probably can’t remember today much less the happenings of days ago. This guys is a train

You’ve seen women smash their eyes against doorknobs? And more than once? And, in addition to this, get friends to punch them?

Bill Cosby got the benefit of the doubt for a very long time, after many, many accusations. He’s not really the best example.

$50k is not a lot for him. And if they didn’t pool their money, maybe that’s the amount she spent of her own money on him. He is just looking more and more like a jackass. Just grant her the divorce and give her the money.

so now will everyone stop being so hard on amber?

wait, you want her fired from a movie because she asked for spousal support? what?

yeah, don’t force other people to participate in your kink

“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”

Weak, cowardly men will be the death of us all.

Stalked by my crazy ex for over a year when I moved out of state for college, after some mutual acquaintance gave him my contact info. Never have I been so relieved to find out someone was deployed to another country. Now I’m incredibly selective over who in my previous state I tell my new address to.

I read that Japanese idols are not allowed to date because them being in a relationship would make their fans feel betrayed. Seems like obsessive fan behavior is kind of encouraged there.

“Men are afraid their gifts will be returned. Women are afraid they’ll get stabbed 20 times.”

I can’t bring myself to watch the video but I feel like “Hospice center” indicates bad things....

Never underestimate a jezebel commenters ability to find something negative in an otherwise heartwarming story

They're filming what will likely be their last real moment with their friend, where she's still lucid and herself. I'd probably do the same thing.

The way we word things is the problem. “Pear shaped”, “bikini body”, “sexy waist.” This is why so many women hate fitness and exercising. Because of the way these classes are labeled and sold to them. Men’s classes are not sold to them that way. If you labeled them more positively and simply, like “health and fitness

Listen, I’m not defending Larry.